Dhamma Camp 2014 confessions

13 January 2014

So, long time ago when it is the day when the email about the result of the Dhamma Camp 2014 committee are out, and in the email I’ve been offered Publication and Publicity subcom, actually in the night Andy phoned me to offer the position of Logistic Manager on the condition that I must join the trial camp (which means that I should be back here by 28 December). But then, after thinking for a while (maybe just seconds), by the reason of unavailability during the trial camp, I refused the offer. When I’m in the phone, what’s on my mind is to have new year together with my family in my hometown. But then, if I were to choose to join the camp as a main committee, I think my father can permit me to have me return to Singapore before new year. Just shortly after the phone call ended, I started to discuss with my father on which day I should go back hometown and return to Singapore. This time, I chose the date that just made sure that I go back hometown when the holiday for the committee started and I return to Singapore just when the camp almost started.

The next day, I’ve decided to go back on 14 December (the start of the “holiday”) and return to Singapore on 6 January (2 days before the camp). Going back on 14 December turned out to be a great choice as on the subsequent weeks, NTU Ventures held a Bootcamp on HTML5 which I learned a lot from the speakers. On these days too that I somehow missed the opportunity to join some NTUBS events like Little Bodhi Outing and also the Dhamma Camp meetings.

By joining the Publication and Publicity team, mainly I’ve learned on how to take photo with DSLR and on how a great design can looks like. Besides that, I also knew how to manage files with a Mac; how does it feels like to stay up very late due to work; and how not to be in the photo almost all the time. On this committee too I knew how to delete photos. Before this, whatever photo I take, even when it is so blur, I didn’t delete it, simply because I still appreciate the photo which documents my journey on taking the photo. Other than those things, I confessed that when I saw the NTUBS logo printed on the back of the camp shirt, I realized that there is some difference on the curve compared to NTUBS logo on other NTUBS shirt. But then no one seems to realize it before I told them.

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