September 2016

4 October 2016

September has ended. My term in NTUBS has ended, like offically.

Early in September, I, Dian, Peter, and Pentium joined Facebook hackathon for the free food and unexpectedly won the 2nd prize: Fitbit Flex. Since then, I started to wear Fitbit to anywhere. It felt like a really expensive pedometer and sleep timer; that’s it. On a normal day, given that I decided to go to school, I can easily reach 10k steps goal. But if I decided not to go to school, on average it’s just 5k steps per day.

During this month, I saw a spike in swimming frequency. It was after I started wearing Fitbit, I tried to see myself doing more exercise, and the only exercise that I like is swimming. I swam a lot during this month, around 8 times I think; I think this number is higher than the number of times I swam in NTU in my entire first 3 years as undergrad.

I also got interviews from various companies. The rate of called for interview vs appliactions was actually quite low, but hey, my first strategy was to apply to big/medium companies that have listing on LinkedIn (and the application on LinkedIn was literally just 2 clicks away from the job posting. I also attended some various networking sessions organized by CAO, though, it was not fruitful as usual.

Then I met with my FYP supervisor, like finally met, and he shared his expectations on my FYP report. It was so high. :o There goes my countless hours of Googling papers, reading papers, writing literature reviews, building outline, writing and writing and writing. It’s very tedious to actually translate your Python code into pseudocode for the purpose of writing report, and then actually explain what has been written inside the pseudocode.

There was Google APAC test again, but hopeless. It was either that I have been quite weak on competitive programming (lack of practice) or that the question standards have risen.

Keeping touch with high school friends. I did a 3-hour video call with Leonard. Besides that, I attended JL’s convocation, presenting her a teddy bear, and since I came only at the end of her ceremony, I watched a glimpse of the event and it made me wanna graduate too. We started Telegram chat group and played several time a “Family 100” game (“Family Feud”), a time-waster.


  • CZ4073 assignment 1: about R programming. Basically re-reading lecture notes and then Googling how to solve the problems.
  • CZ4042 presentation: not so exciting
  • CZ4042 assignment 1: basically designing neural network architecture to be trained on a given dataset; still doing the experiments
  • CZ4032 group project: formed a group, chosen a dataset, tried some models


  • Basically I am a Marketing subcom now, having the role as the webmaster (in which I tried to developed a new WordPress-based website but then stalled as I need to focus on my FYP). Since I am in the Marketing team, I was also assigned a task to design a poster, but I need to negotiate my design till many iterations until the compromise was done. Duh, client wanted lots of text and pictures, I wanted no text and almost no picture, so there goes the conflict. I could say that my designing skill has improved a lot compared to that when I was in my first year.
  • Outgoing coordinator. Basically, I requested not to have many task as my FYP burdens me a lot now. So, for MR preparation, I only took booklet design and printing. And during MR, I only attended and be the SK Warrior: doing anything that can be helped in my capacity.

Oh wow, I forgot to publish this till November ._.

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