Bandung here I come!

27 October 2012

This day was the last day of my school series of examination. The last day was chemistry, I think that I will get the best result in this. The first day was maths, I managed to solved it in time, but I done some miscalculation on the essay questions. I wasn’t able to pre-determine Indonesian Language score. Next to come was Physics, good too. Biology was somewhat hard. But the next one, Mandarin, was easy enough to miss a question :P Civics, in my opinion, was the hardest; while my English score will be not that good.

Okay, today I also taken 4th Try Out on Maths. Not as hard as the 3rd Try Out, but I don’t think I’ll make better score than the 1st Try Out.

Tomorrow, at 0825, I and Peter will depart to Bandung to attend the First national training camp for a month (4 weeks to be exact). I hope that we’ll do the best as the last person from Medan to get into IOI was Harta Wijaya, at 2010.

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