6 August 2011 • Life Goes On
MSSC 2011
On 29 July 2011, I joined Medan School Scrabble Competition that was organized by LP3I. That day I skipped my classes (from morning until afternoon, I even skipped my tuition). Around 7 a.m. me and my friends (Leonard, Eko Widianto, Ricky Tionardy) who follows this competition has gathered in our class. 7.30: 2 others (Kevin and Novi) not yet came; I assume they don’t know where to gather, so we all find them in their class (XII IS-02).
Around 8.30 a.m. we’re already inside LP3I for reregistration. Around 8.50 a.m. they announced the schedule (which was 1st wave on 9am, 2nd wave on 10am; semi-final on 2pm). I and Eko was in the same table. Ricky and Kevin are scheduled for the 2nd wave. At 9.15, the competition starts. Time passes with lots of laughter in my table. My table is the latest to end the game (around 10.15). The results from the 1st wave are: Leonard, Novi, and Eko move to the semi-final, while from the 2nd wave, there are none moving to the semi-final.
Around 12, me, Eko, and Leonard, went to Pizza Hut to eat. We ordered “Sensasi Delight” packet. On 13, we came back to LP3I. On 13.45, they announced the tables for the semi-final. Unfortunately Novi went home because some reasons (which are not clear for me). Kevin also went home with Novi.
On 2.15, the semi-final round starts. While Eko and Leonard are playing in the semi-final round, I and Ricky waited patiently at the lobby. There are a big TV in the lobby, I watched the programmes (which are suitable for children, not me :P).
Around 3.30, we checked their game, and found that Eko and Leonard has lost the game. We talks for a while and them went back to Sutomo. Our journey today ends here.