

15 October 2016.

It was two days before my FYP report submission. That whole day was spent on proofreading my report. It was very tedious and boring task. To recharge myself, I decided to went up to “the spot” and did a lot of self-talk. “The spot” is basically a laundry drying spot at level 5 in my block where almost no one was ever here. …

Revision Week + Exam Week (1), Semester 4

30 April 2015

It’s the end of April. It’s the end of my 5-paper-in-3-day suffering.

So in this two-week I’ve been studying* all day# for the papers happening this week and it has been paid off well, sort of.

*: studying + other stuffs like checking Facebook, e-mail, WhatsApp, playing game, some coding, wild project ideas appearing.
#: yeah, I took rest now and then although sometimes rest time can extend so much that finally I decided not to study.