Cambridge City Square

Chinese New Year and TWoS

Is it a coincidence? Last year’s TWoS was around Chinese New Year too. Haha

Okay, this week I had a special Chinese New Year. On the first week, which was this week, almost every day I and my family went out to have lunch or dinner.

9 February:

The big family gathering in Medan to have a big lunch, not dinner. This year, we celebrate the family dinner in just 5: I, my brother, my sister, my father, and my mother. The dinner is at Restaurant Garuda, which was unusual because it is Minang food, not Chinese, like the previous years. I continued playing Roller-Coaster Tycoon.

10 February

We went out like the year before to “hunt” for red pockets. I’m not in a very good health this day, but my body’s temperature was a bit higher than normal. And after I search the Internet, it wasn’t necessary to take medicine that lower body’s temperature if it is not very severe (above 39 degree Celcius). When we went back to Malibu’s home, we opened a grape juice and drank it all. I continued reading “The Hound of Baskervilles”.

11 February

On this day, we ate our lunch at Sakae Sushi, a Japanese restaurant at Hermes Place. Just a usual place, like other Japanese restaurant.

12 February

This day we went out to have a big lunch at Duck King at Cambridge City Square, after that we went up to the apartment to visit our cousin; and then visit the swimming pool. I’ve been working all day on TWoS preparation.

13 February

We went to Brastagi on the morning and went back to Medan at the evening. There, I read some magazines, took a nap, and continued reading “The Hound of Baskervilles”. Back in Medan, I continued my effort on perfecting TWoS preparation.

14 February

First day of school. It’s a tiring day at school. At the evening, the other family came to Medan and invited us to attend their dinner at Taipan Restaurant at the Capital Building. We managed to take photo with the Valentine’s Day event held there. :P

15 February

Just usual day at school except I, Edward, and Sylvia having a follow-up test on Mandarin at the Teacher’s Room. At home, I accidentally fall asleep and when I woke up, I felt having slept for long hours. I was just feeling nothing to do. And then I browse Wikipedia to find out that I have been an administrator of Indonesian Wikipedia. As promised, my first move is to start translating Twinkle, an administration-related tool for admins and non-admins.

16 February

We have TWoS on this day! Also, my group (for music class) got rehearsal in minutes before TWoS started. The event went well, especially for my part: there was almost no complain on the performance of the game, except on Steven’s laptop where I think the Firefox version is outdated. Also on this TWoS, I got a souvenir from Geoscience stall. It was my first souvenir after following many TWoS.

At the evening, my family went out to have dinner at Waringin Seafood. It was the dinner before my brother departed for Singapore the next day in the morning.

17 February

Today was tiring. Although I woke up around 6, I got out of bed around 7 to use the toilet and then went back to sleep. That moment, I saw my brother in his SNU jacket preparing to go to the airport. Around 10, we got news that he arrived there.

Around 12, we went out to YSPP to attend Chinese New Year celebration event. The event food was prepared by Maxim Restaurant. It was quite unique. The event overall was crowded as there were four additional tables which were placed outside the room where the event was held. But like previous years’ lunch, this year’s was quite nice.


First week of October 2012

In the first week of October 2012, I’ve been very busy preparing for school exam, 1st National Training Camp (Pelatnas 1 TOKI 2013), the first TWoS, and also the legalisation of my documents needed to apply to universities.

The week started normally. My game for TWoS have been finished and the network testing have been done on the Saturday before that day. All I need was just bug finding. On Saturday, 6 October 2012, my school’s extracurricular club, SSEC (Sutomo 1 Science Exploration Club) held a science fair called “The Wonder of Science” a.k.a. TWoS. In this fair, like the fair before, was divided into some divisions, I got a part on computing. In computing, there was two game played, one is mine which is available at . This is a very basic implementation of binary search. The first time I solve a problem like this, I don’t even know that I used Binary-Search Algorithm. The other one was made by Charlie, it was a quiz program called “Who Wants to be a Millionaire”.

This week, our group on biology also presented for the third unit: genetic matters. Well, ours was the most time-consuming one, and so far, always become the first to present.

This week also, my documents were successfully submitted for legislation after one time rejected. They called me to take back the legalised copies on Monday.

Today, 7 October 2012, in the morning I had Physics-First Try Out. Well, I think I can do good there. At 10, I attended the class of Physics talking about Current of Electricity. Around 11.30 if I’m not mistaken, the teacher, Johan, started to talk about his experience of meeting Tsunami back in December 2004. My eyes unintendedly became red and watery. His story somewhat made us realize that sometimes money can’t buy things that are on sale: because the owner didn’t sell it any more (because the owner needed the goods for his/her survival, not for money any more)

After the class was over, I went back home and had lunch. Then my father fetched me to the other house. In the way there, we stopped at Clover Bakeshoppe to buy my birthday cake. Around 3, it started to rain. the rain was chasing cats and dogs. The electricity went out; the wind was also heavy. I played RA2:YR once, and BF2 once. In the evening, we went out to Cambridge City Square to have a dinner at The Grand Duck King. We ordered Beijing Duck, tofu, char-siew, siew-mays, siao-lung-paos. They were very nice. We went to Brastagi Supermarket and then went back to home. Luckily I’m close enough to have the opportunity to listen to some of the live stream of BBC Radio 1’s Teen Awards performance. There were Taylor Swift, 1D, Fun., etc. Following the programme was the Official Chart. Well, I can’t follow them all cause I had to sleep. Bye.