Exploring Singapore

2 August 2020

Last week I took a week off work to explore Singapore. It was an odd decision, as almost no one are taking leave these days. As I haven’t been on leave ever since Chinese New Year (back in January), I did really need a break from work. Besides that, it was a good excuse to travel around Singapore.

Ever since I come to Singapore in 2013, most of my earlier years has been confined in Pulau NTU. After I started working, I also don’t really like to go explore that much because these attractions are crowded especially on weekends. That is why this is the perfect time to explore Singapore since all the tourist attractions are empty as there are no tourists from overseas!

If I include the weekends, this means that I’m off from work for 9 days, and I did use them well: 4 days traveling and 3 days of resting 😊