It’s been a month

It’s been a month since I posted things from Medan, my home city. In that time, I’m joining Pelatnas 1 TOKI 2013, the first selection that will eventually select 4 best students from all over Indonesia to represent Indonesia at 2013 IOI in Australia. That Pelatnas thing was held in Bandung.

First thought looking at Bandung from the sky: not as big as Medan. When we landed, the airport was so much inferior to Medan’s Polonia, I think if I would compare Kualanamu, Medan’s airport in-construction, with Bandung’s, it will be something like a skyscraper with a flop-house. Why? It just took a few steps from our aircraft to the airport building exit gate.

Bandung, the first day I came, around evening, it comes the rain, a heavy one. The weather pattern was somewhat the same all the month: sunny morning, cloudy afternoon, rainy evening. One thing for sure: when it rains, it rains heavily.

Also, Bandung air temperature was nice, in some cool-and-rainy days I could see my breathe condensates in the air, i.e. a cloud! Ha-ha. The temperature here was comparable to that of Brastagi.

Enough said about Bandung, next time I’ll write about my life there.

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