The following is my “Personal Philosophy Visual” assignment submitted to “First-Year Composition 2.0” course offered by Georgia Institute of Technology at The assignment was as follows:
In your Personal Philosophy Essay, you wrote text to help readers understand why you believe something that is important to you. In this assignment, Personal Philosophy Visual, you will illustrate the same argument with an image, a title for the image, a caption for the image, and a citation for the source of the image. This assignment is not an illustration to accompany your Personal Philosophy Essay; rather, it is a separate, stand-alone assignment, another way for you to present your argument about an important belief—this time with an image.
Colours of peace
Image source: Kenrick. “Danau Toba.” June 8, 2011. Wikimedia Commons. Web site. June 21, 2013.
Because of working everyday in big cities, I found that it is hard for me to be calm down as the work requires fast-pace and hard work. In June 2011, my friends and I went to a trip to Toba Lake, which is the largest lake in my country, Indonesia. Here, I feel well to see the colours of natural blue which ranges from sky blue to sea blue. The backgrounds are hills which are natural green and fading as it becomes farther. The colours here make me very calm which is one of the way to attain peace and peace will lead to world balance.