Week 9, Semester 3

22 October 2014

It was week 9 of Semester 3. Well, in summary, quite busy: towards the end of the week, I had 6 concurrent stuffs to do (whether it’s assignment, CCA, or even other commitments).

On Monday, after I went to tutorial and labs, I went back to my room with Edwin, to collaborate in writing the conclusion for Technical Communication report. After finishing it, I rushed to have dinner and then to NYH for preparing Dharma Class 3, conducted by Bro Kweh Soon Han, talking about Three Refuges and Five Precepts.

Next on Tuesday, as usual, I went to the lectures, where in the end there was a clicker quiz. I then went to LWN to have my “alone time” :P Then after lunch, I went to tutorials and lectures. I ended the day with a meeting of CZ2002 assignment, which not completely achieved the agenda. Next, I went to join Harcharan Singh Intra-School Recreational Games on Uno Stacko, well this one I think rely on pure luck, and I got 2nd place lol. I went back and started revising on CZ2005.

On Wednesday, I had CZ2005 “oral examination” which is short but had to queue so long before my turn. After that, I went to South Spine to donate my blood. This was my second time donating blood, yay! After techcomm draft report conference with tutor, I and Edwin went to meet Prof Sun and then Ms Xu Yi discussing about URECA. At night, I started to do my CZ2004 Hi-Fi prototype, which was tiring and hard, as we must use PowerPoint. Well, for fairness, PowerPoint is great, but for freedom, I think we shouldn’t be limited to PowerPoint, i.e. we should be given freedom to choose which software to use for prototyping.

On Thrusday, I had early morning lecture, continued with tutorials and then ended with Business Law lecture and tutorial, which was content-heavy. Then I went to NYH taking stuffs, preparing for the Dharma Circle at SAC Meeting Room 2. The movie was not so touching as we’re prohibited to screen the whole movie due to licensing issue.

Friday was started by the marathons of lectures and tutorials, and after lunch, I had the longest lab on CZ2003, creating a visual with those requirements. After that I went back and had some rest before going to TR+31 for ICPC training contest until midnight.

On Saturday, it started with ICPC training contest discussion and then administrative discussion. After lunch, I went back and had some rest before drafting my abstract of techcomm report. At night, we had an online contest again.

On Sunday, I decided not to go to BF as I’ve planned to use up the whole day doing many things. I started the day by finishing my abstract of techcomm report. Continued with catching up with the lectures which I skipped that week. At night, I did planning of CZ2002 UML Class Diagrams and continued doing CZ2004 Hi-Fi Prototype.

The week has been another busy week filled with a lot of activities, and it’s week 9. The good news is, it’s around 4 weeks to the end of semester, and the not so good (read: bad) news is it’s around 4 weeks to the end of semester (read: final exam). Hope I can survive the remaining weeks and do well in my exams. :)


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