Week 8, Semester 3

14 October 2014

It was week 8 of the semester, which started peacefully and the workload increases again. It is packed with a holiday, my birthday, NTUBS stuffs (Dharma Camp and Committee Day), and ICPC training.

Although I had an extended recess week on Monday as Hari Raya Haji falls on Saturday in which NTU was kind to give us a replacement holiday on the Monday if a public holiday falls on Saturday or Sunday, I went to NYH to support the trailer making of Committee Day 2014. After lunch, I had a nap and revised CZ2001 as on the next day I had that quiz, which was the only quiz for the whole semester. The night went quite unproductive as I was distracted by Detective Conan Movie 18. I continued revising after watching that movie and ended the day.

On Tuesday, I woke up early to attend the lectures, which was quite boring for the CZ2001 one (and I always wondered why I attend the lecture even though it was so boring), in contrast to CZ2002 which was quite interesting (maybe because the lecture notes were so incomplete, and mainly consists of pictures without explanations). Then I went for some rest at LWN Library, had lunch, and then went for CZ2001 quiz which was not very hard although I was not sure about my results. The good thing is, there were no class anymore for the day: CZ2003 was exercising e-learning week while CZ2004 officially forced us to watch recorded lecture for that week. Back to my room, I went for a nap before going to Nanyang Auditorium, attending a talk by Brian Smith, a videographer from National Geographic Live, sharing his experience in videography adventurous moments. Going back, I revised my part for Techcom report and did my annual reflection of what I did throughout the year before going bed.

Wednesday was my birthday, the story was separated in another blog post.

On Thursday, it was a normal Thursday, except there were no CZ2003 tutorial messing up the lunch schedule and after class, I did various stuffs like editing techcomm report, editing CZ2001 lab report, and ended the day by working part-time while doing my URECA task there.

Friday was a relaxed day since there were no sleepy CZ2003 lecture early in the morning. Well, what a nice week without CZ2003 :) The class started on 0930 and ended on 1230, in which after that I went to Canteen 17 for lunch with friends before going to NYH meeting Raymond & HH who took some stuffs for Committee Day trial. After that I went back to my room, relaxed a bit, inputting the data for NTUBS Website Library section, and continued editing techcomm report and CZ2001 lab report. The day ended with NTUBS Dharma Camp 2015 First General Meeting, although the turnout rate was not as high as my expectation since the number of committee is numerous, the theme and title were set in a tight vote.

Saturday was fully dedicated for ACM ICPC training, where we started in the morning with the usual session at TR+5 until 1pm. After lunch, I went back and had a short rest before an online contest started. The contest problem spreads from very easy problem to hard ones (which we can’t solve :P). It ended with us solving 6 out of 12 problems (in which we have attempted another 1 but can’t managed to get it to AC). After that I ended the day with watching The Legend of Korra Book 4 episode 2 and some old episodes of Magic Kaito.

On Sunday, the Committee Day team executed trial for the Committee Day games, which was quite tiring initially although there were no physical activity. The next half were conducted after lunch at NYH which is quite relaxing. After dinner,  I went back, caught up with academic materials, and did some editing for the reports.

The week has been a busy one, well, which one didn’t. Hope that I can still survive till the end of the semester. :)

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