Week 10, Semester 4

Busy week, LKY died, the whole nation cried. Lectures cancelled. More and more busy towards the end of week.

On Monday, I woke up to the news that former PM of Singapore, Mr Lee Kwan Yew has died. I went for CZ3001 lecture and then CZ2007 Lab 4. After lunch, I attended CZ2007 lecture which slides we slightly altered to show the condolences for LKY. Then I did revision for CM8003 quiz and then went for the quiz itself later. The quiz was more tricky as numerous questions asked for nationality of the figures. After that I did CZ2007 lab assignment at Software Projects lab and then attended CZ3005 lecture. Going back, I did CZ2006 lecture recording and did some LILY work.

On Tuesday, I started the day with CZ2006 clicker quiz and then the CZ2006 group meeting. After lunch, I went for the CZ2007 tutorial and then went to Business Library for relaxing and browsing the web. After the CZ3001 tutorial, I went back and did some LILY work again.

On Wednesday, I went to CZ3001 lab and we finished part 1, like finally. Since LKY died, NTU held a memorial event at Nanyang Auditorium at 3-4pm this day in which all classes during this time was cancelled (and the whole 3-hour lecture of Green Computing was cancelled because of this). Well, he was a great man and was loved by the citizens. To end the day, I attended BU8401 talking on inventory management and then LILY all the way till midnight.

On Thursday, I did nothing productive in the morning. After lunch, I went for the lecture of CZ2007 and then went to library relaxing since the CZ3005 lecture was cancelled as the lecturer has to represent NTU to LKY tribute at the parliament on this day. After that, I attended the entertaining CM8003 lecture in which the aircon was not working for the first hour. Seems like NTU cooling system is undergoing some energy saving mode to turn off them during non-lecture period but then forget to turn them back on during lecture hours. After that I went back and watched some YouTube videos and ended the day working part-time at CITS while doing LILY work.

On Friday, I did cover duty for Peter on the morning. During my duty, after doing computer checks, I printed stuffs for Dharma discussion later that night. After lunch at McD, I went to library for relaxing (doing some unproductive stuffs). I attended CZ3001 lecture and then CZ3005 tutorial which was really slow (as there was no clear moderator for arguments present in the first question). I went back after that and had around 10-minute rest before starting the Resource stuffs. We met at Can 1 and then went to NYH cabinet and Function Room for setting up the class (including mopping the floor). The talk that night was on Four Noble Truth, but it was in-depth. At the end of the class, there was a Dharma discussion, conducted by Malvin, which in turn became “NTUBS Confession” session. LOL. After cleaning up, I looked on the ICPC Weekly training problem. I spotted Linear Diophantine problem, in which I study the algorithms and attempted to solve it but failed.

On Saturday, early in the morning, we had Resource photoshoot which was nice but wet since we sat on wet grass. Then I went to ICPC Training which has very low turnout rate. This session discussed on past week contest solution and this week group A solution. I solved 2 As + 2 Bs there. After lunch, I attended CNS Programmer meeting, focused on revising the macro-plan and night games. Then I went for NTUBS MC “Outing” which was a cooking session. There my role was as washer of the veggies, fruits, etc. I was very tiring. We cooked and ate at the same time at the pantry. The best part was the deep-friend tofu by Thao. We moved to TV lounge after that and we celebrated Raymond’s birthday. We then started to play Texas Hold’em Poker till finish. And I actually won it! :3 I went back after this, and I was really tired.

Sunday was my resting day. I woke up late and the day was spend for doing my part on Green Computing presentation, CZ3001 project in which seemed to be working fine, and LILY work final checking.

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