
Revision Week + Exam Week (1), Semester 4

30 April 2015

It’s the end of April. It’s the end of my 5-paper-in-3-day suffering.

So in this two-week I’ve been studying* all day# for the papers happening this week and it has been paid off well, sort of.

*: studying + other stuffs like checking Facebook, e-mail, WhatsApp, playing game, some coding, wild project ideas appearing.
#: yeah, I took rest now and then although sometimes rest time can extend so much that finally I decided not to study.

Quick Update

16 April 2015

I’ve been very busy in the past weeks that I failed to update this blog. Now that I’m free from assignments, I have the time already to do that before starting revising for exams. I still keep track of what I did every day. It was just not ready for publishing just yet.

Update: I’ve spent the whole day today to finish writing up the story of the past three weeks and I’ve posted them.

Week 12, Semester 4

One of the busiest week ever: 1 assessment on Monday; 2 assignment due and 1 presentation on Wednesday. More free towards the end of week but yet still need to prepare for quiz and assignments due on the following week. There was also Google Code Jam 2015 Qualification Round in which I passed. One more thing: I passed the Phase 2 of Wikimania 2015 “scholarship” application! :) …

Week 11, Semester 4

There were lots of deadlines at Week 12 and. There was a long weekend but then I was still busy as I joined a Hackathon over the weekend and hence my school stuffs were postponed till I finished it. This week also marked the last NTUBS event of the semester. …

Week 9, Semester 4: Time Flies!

25 March 2015

Time flies so fast and it was week 9 already.

I didn’t know why but I am always busy during the weekends, and resting times were “bought” by skipping morning classes (especially Software Engineering classes) although I am determined to not skipping classes since I find it hard to have time in watching the recordings.