Happy new year

2023 in Review

Welp, it’s the time of the year again to review the year.

This year, I definitely didn’t post much. In fact, it was the lowest number of posts per year since I started the blog. It can’t be helped I guess, since I had filled up my free time on many other stuffs.

Last year during 2022 in Review, I picked year of authenticity. However I’m not sure if I achieved that. I felt that without deep trust, it was scary and can be dangerous to do so. At times, I did open up and I was thankful that I did.

There were a lot of things happened in 2023, and most of them are not planned very far ahead. In a way, that’s not a bad thing, as I got to experience things that I normally won’t.

Sunset in KL

2022 in Review

When 2021 ended, I picked 2022 as year of exploration: to discover new things, hidden or overlooked, places, food, or even knowledge. Looking back, it was really scary to break out from my shell of following routines. However, this year I learned a lot from such experience. This post will delve into three aspects: work, people, and health.

2021 in Review

Back in 2020, I set 2021 theme as “The Social Year”: aim to meet more people and sustain more friendships. Like the previous years, I’m assessing three aspects of my life: work, people, and health.

Marina Bay Sands area at night, 31 October 2020

2020 in Review

We’ve reached the end of 2020. What a year!

2020 was full of unexpected twists and encounters. If you asked me last year whether I’ll be in the current position, I would say no. Rest assured there’s so much more that can be contained in this one post.

2019 in Review

Well, this year, this blog has been quiet. There are more Instagram cross-post here than there are new text-based posts in this blog. There are only 4 non-photo posts. It’s not without effort though, I have 12 more posts in the drafts! The reason of not publishing them is just because I lost interest before I finished writing, and sometimes after I finished, I found that the central argument was quite weak and didn’t deserve publication.

Anyway, this post is about reviewing 2019, not to rant about why I published so little.

2018 in Review

I started this post pretty late in the year. I hope I could finish it in time.

So 2018 had been a mixed year to me. I had fun, I cried; I met new people, I said goodbye; I reminisced with the past, I started to plan for the future.

2017 in Review

I’ve been writing this post for quite some time when I was back home before focusing on playing KH2FM on PS2 and reading Star Wars: Bloodline. After I caught up with those two, I just didn’t have the time to write this post anymore before 2017 has ended. At early 2018, I started to focus and write, and it got so long and I had to start afresh with this post (because it actually contains a lot about work which could be confidential). So here it is, very briefly: