NTUBS Website

“Recess week”, Semester 2

9 March 2014

Although this week was supposed to be a recess week for everyone in NTU, I felt this recess week is not that relaxing compared to the previous semester’s recess week. This week, my spending on recess week can be said very high as many times I went out of NTU and had lunch or dinner there before going back. …

Week 7, Semester 2

3 March 2014

This week, compared to other people, I’m very free, meaning that I got no quizzes on this week, what’s better, my core classes are in e-learning week, meaning that there are no physical lectures and tutorials. …

Hometown (1)

22 December 2013

This week is my first week back at my hometown. Mostly, I spent my time playing Pokemon Emerald during the mornings and during the blackouts, because I played it on my Surface. Besides playing, I also watch lectures of coursera and got assigned to do the NTUBS library website. …