2014 in review
30 December 2014
Finally, the final post in 2014. This post is to review what’s going on during the whole year. …
30 December 2014
Finally, the final post in 2014. This post is to review what’s going on during the whole year. …
16 December 2014
My first week of holiday has been spent on attending Web Science and Data Analytic Summer School 2014 at NUS School of Computing. Hence, I need to wake up very early in the morning, just to make it on time. And this week ended with me going back to my hometown. …
16 November 2014.
Despite the heavy study load and the proximity of exam, we had some getaway by joining this competition. It was a very memorable experience and was way better that ICPC KL 2014. …
31 December 2013
Many things happened in 2013, just like in 2012. The following lists what have happened to me in 2013:
Here comes the end of 2013, happy new year 2014. This blog is never been this crowded before. Thank you for being an audience of my stories. May the blog be filled with more posts in terms of quantity and quality.
P.S. see my year in review from Facebook.