Week 6, Semester 4: Chinese New Year!
Week 6 felt really short. It was Chinese New Year week of which I went back since the Tuesday night and only felt school work at Monday till Tuesday afternoon. …
Week 6 felt really short. It was Chinese New Year week of which I went back since the Tuesday night and only felt school work at Monday till Tuesday afternoon. …
2 February 2014
Varying between normal life at NTU and laziness at hometown, this week is filled with holiday mood as Chinese New Year is on 31 January (Friday). I went back to Medan from 30 January (morning) till 2 February (morning) which I spent on being together with my friends and families. …
5 January 2013
This is my last week on my hometown before going back to Singapore.
On Monday, Golfin visited me. We chatted for a long time that day sharing each other stories about life as a university student in different places. He also passed me the TOKI shirt which was used by the judges at OSN 2013. After he left, I went to experiment around making animation in the connect-four game.
On Tuesday, which was new year’s eve, I implemented a minimax agent for the connect-four game as an AI, before this, the AI was just a random agent. After that, I wrote about the 2013 in review. Then finally to celebrate new year, I watched a Christmas movie titled “Arthur Christmas”. It was an animation movie from Aardman Animations, the studio which produces Shaun the Sheep. The movie was nicely done.
On Wednesday, I updated the connect-four game’s evaluation function a little bit to make it avoid losing and aim for winning. (but still not perfect as in some instances it will not go for straightly winning the game). By the way, the game is playable at http://kenrick95.github.io/c4. This day I came across some good old games titled “Rise of Nations”. This game as well as the comic book titled “The Life and Times of Scrooge McDuck” (in Indonesian, 500 page, haha) killed some times. I spent the rest of time catching up the lectures for coursera.
Thursday and Friday is spent for implementing Server-Sent Events to Raun and to watch lectures on coursera. By the way, I finished 2 week lectures and quizzes on this week as next week I will be joining a camp and can’t do anything else.
On Saturday, I and my friends went out to Sun Plaza to meet up each other. It was a long times since the last time I meet Edward, Leonard, and Roselyn. Although we spent most our times just chatting, overall it was fun like the previous ones. On this day too, my father and mother (and also my uncle) got defrauded by a person who hacked my brother’s Facebook account.
On Sunday, after doing chanting for my grandfather, I and my family went to Carrefour to buy my milk stock. We had lunch at Pizza Hut and dinner at Waringin Seafood.
Next week on Monday I will have returned back to Singapore. Hope that the NTUBS Dhamma Camp 2014 will be fun.