Singapore (day 3)

8 July 2012

Alarm set at 6.30 am rang, no one woke, I slept again, 7, I went to the toilet, then sleep again; 7.30 a call come in, from my cousin, my dad received it; and said that we’ve just woke up and we’ll be there in about half hour.

Around 8, I, my dad, my sis; along with my cousins (and uncle and aunt) went to the SkyPark and swam there (cousins swam).

Around 9, my mother & brother came, with camera and took our photos, then we left the pool and we went straight to our rooms to have bath.

We went to Bugis: a temple “Kwan Im Temple”, a traditional-also-modern market “Bugis Street”, a mall “Bugis Junction”, until around 1 pm.

We went to a food court at Old Airport Road at Kallang to have our lunch. I had “Fishball noodle”, this time at the first time the sellers could understand English. We all drank sugar cane. We stayed there until 3 pm; we also ate the famous “Lao Ban Soya Beancurd”.

After it, we went to Lavender, to see the apartment building: Citylights, we went to the 6th floor, there are 2 tennis courts and a small fitness area, to wait for Rowanne Foong, the agent who introduce the apartment to my dad. She brought us to the 24th floor to let us see the view, there are some fitness area too.

She left us. We went to other apartment which is in construction: The Minton, which we went to Serangoon first. After that, we went to a mall “Nex” and then went in to a food court named “Food Republic”. We ate some siomays, then I had fried prawn noodle, which was in a large portion. For drink, I had iced lemon tea (again), it was the same, the iced lemon tea was: iced tea plus a slice of lemon. We went around the mall.  Too bad, actually we were prohibited to take photos there; well, I obeyed it after I noticed the sign when I went to the toilet and passed the front gate. After that, we got back to hotel, which took a long time, with a nice 2-storey bus and we sat at the 2nd storey.

In hotel, we cleaned ourselves, and this day ended here. In the night, we watched Wimbledon’s tennis game until we couldn’t hold our eyes any more, we slept at 11pm.

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