
18 August 2013

This week (12-18 August) is the first week at NTU Academic Calendar.

At Monday, I got my first lecture at Lecture Theatre 2A from CZ1003: Introduction to Computational Thinking course at 1030-1130. That day before going to the course, I used the public computer of Lee Wee Nam Library for the first time. After the lectures, I went to the NTUSU Welcome Week browsing CCAs. I accidentally found there is NTU Open Source Society of which I put quite lot interest in. Maybe my high school should make a CCA week so the students will know what CCAs are offered in the school. Around 2pm, at the stage set by NTUSU, there are some question asked by the host and I answered it, then I was given a prize, it was my first time getting prize for answering question asked by a host from stage. The question was quite easy, he just asked who the president of NTUSU is.

At Tuesday, I registered myself to more CCAs like Board Games Society, C3, and Choir. Maybe I should drop choir as I don’t have much interest in it. The evening of Tuesday is the first time I attend a Dhamma Talk organized by NTU Buddhist Society.

Wednesday afternoon served as my first day working as Student Assistant at Centre for IT Services located at One Stop @ SAC (Student Activities Centre). For new SAs, they assigned a senior to work with us. Filbert, a senior of mine who also worked at CITS, got assigned to help me during my first shift. The evening, for the first time, many students (freshmen and seniors) who were from Medan gathered at Canteen 11 to have dinner together.

At Thursday evening, NTUSU held a Welcome Tea at Global Lounge. At the dinner session, everyone queued and I got the first to queue. Quite embarrassing, but I could overcome it. After the tea, I went to PINTU ICN 2014 Main Committee Interview session, it was my first interview session at NTU. I’m not confident that I could be recruited as I did not prepare anything for the interview.

Friday was very free. This day served as my first time borrowing book from a library. I borrowed “HTML5 Games: Creating Fun with HTML5, CSS3, and WebGL” from Lee Wee Nam Library. After finishing lecture at 1030, I went back to hall and did laundry. Waiting for the laundry, I watched TV at the hall TV Lounge for the first time. Then, I and Peter went to Jurong Point to shop at Fairprice and Valu. Then I joined NTUBS Welcome Tea at Hall 12 Function Hall. Before the tea began, we were grouped in many groups and played things together. Overall, the welcome tea was nice.

I intended to go to Indonesian Embassy at Saturday to commemorate the 68th anniversary of Indonesia, but I went up at 9 am in which the ceremony started at 9.30 am. I decided to cancel the plan and just watch the live streaming of Indonesian TVs which broadcast the flag ceremony. This is my first time having the Indonesian anniversary outside Indonesia. Then I went to Lasalle College (located near Bugis and Little India) to visit my friend Jessica. Satyananda came later. We then had dinner at Velocity (Novena) after visiting Jessica’s “home”.

At Sunday, I went to Buddhist Fellowship vihara at Pasir Panjang with friends and seniors. The dhamma talk there was about loving without getting hurt. The main points are love arise because of attachment and attachment will bring pain. At the evening, I (and friends) went swimming for the first time at NTU Sport and Recreation Centre (SRC). After that, we went to Canteen 1 to have dinner. This was my first time visiting the canteen.

This week was full of first event, I hope that subsequent weeks will be more fun.

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