29 September 2013

This week is the e-learning week for SCE (School of Computer Engineering) courses, which means a lot of rest times! Not that much, because our lab sessions are still there, and some of the courses have lectures and tutorials.

On Monday, I got many free times. After lab session, I attended our HW0110 (Effective Communication) group meeting. We discuss and list up the points of the assignment. After lunch, I attended our CZ1004 (Great Ideas in Computing) group meeting. We agreed to move on to the topic Graphical User Interface. Then, I had tutorial on CZ1005 (Digital Logic) and lecture on HE9091 (Principle of Economics). This day, I feel very tired.

On Tuesday, this may be the most relaxing day of the week as I just got 1 hour of class which is Digital Logic lecture on 1330. After the lecture, we went to UROC @ SAC to play Mario Kart on Nintendo Wii for an hour.

Wednesday was rainy. Right after I stepped in to LWN Library at 0930, it rained heavily; the wind also blew heavily. The tutorial on HE9091 was just attended but around 10 people. After that I went to work part-time as CITS-SA at OSSAC. When I viewed the queue system, the morning shift just got 3 people, wow! While for my shift, I got around 15 people, which many of them was about Clickers problem.

Thursday was quite relaxing too. The first agenda is at 1200: group meeting on HW0110. At 1330, we had tutorial class on HW0110 and did some exercise of assignment there. After the class, I went to McD to have Matcha McFlurry again. Then, I went to the CZ1005 lecture. The evening was quite fun as our hall held a Mid-Autumn Festival celebration at the Canteen. After some performances and games, the audiences were given a lantern and went to a walk around the hall. It was a nice experience to have a real lantern. After the short walk, there were games, refreshments (including mooncake), lucky draws, and goody bags. The goodie bag contains nostalgic items which I like to eat and play when I was a kid.

On Friday, I got CZ1003 (Intro to Computational Thinking) lab session which also includes a quiz. The quiz itself was tricky but I managed to do it quite well. After that I managed to solve all the problems quite fast. Then at 1200, I rushed to Canopy K (outside LT1A) to queue for free doughnut event by NTUSU. Then I went back to my room and concentrate on doing my things, such as experimenting with webRTC technology. The evening, NTUBS held a meditation class at TR103. After a short meditation, we were taught what objects can be focused when meditating. This night also the news for CEC IT Officer came out for my friends but not me. I was so scared if I don’t pass it and then the next year I don’t get a hall room.

On Saturday, before waking up, the problem even get into my dream. I dreamed that I was on waitlist of the CEC. The morning, as usual, I did my laundry first. Trying to be relaxed, I watched Korra Episode 4. But it didn’t help me, then I asked for my application status directly to the director after I acquire his number. Wow, just before I ordered my lunch, he replied me that he was just about to accept me. I was very happy that time as all my worries gone. After lunch, I paced up to do my things. Around 3 pm, Satyananda came to visit me. I, HW, HW (intentionally doubled “HW”), and Peter took him for a tour around NTU. After visiting other friend’s room in vicinity, which most of them were not in their room, we went to ADM and walked to the rooftop: Achievement Unlocked! Then we went to Canteen 1 to meet Alwyn. There we had our dinner although it was just 5pm. We then walk to Chinese Heritage Center through the road beside Nanyang Lake and Nanyang Valley. From there, we went from South Spine near LKC-LT to S4 where the “crazy taxi” incident happened. Then we walked up to North Spine and then end up in SAC playing Mario Kart for an hour. We then went back to hall 11 through “the maze” in hall 8-9-10. We then went to Fandy’s room to have some chit-chat then watch soccer streamed live. After that we went back to hall 11 to have waffle (which I don’t). Then Satya went back to his place.

On Sunday, I did not go to BF nor PMT. Instead, my parents visited me and after settling things, we went to Peninsula Plaza near City Hall to inquire things about banks. We then visited Esplanade Theater, which we had never visited yet. At the lobby, there were some musician rehearsing. It was nice to listen to such a great music. Next, we went to ION Orchard to have our dinner. After that I went back to NTU while my parents went back to hotel. Hope that we can meet again soon.

This week had been a relaxing and fun week. While next week is recess week for the whole NTU. While it is called “recess week”, I had already planned what to do for almost each day. Hope “recess week” is more relaxing than “e-learning week”.


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