The Recess Week

6 October 2013

This week has been a very busy, stressful, and yet some days are very boring. This week, our group project on HW0110 Effective Communication finished up the essay. CZ1002 (Introduction to Computing System) group project has just restarted. CZ1004 (Great Ideas in Computing) group project was just adding content to the group wiki.

On Monday, I got a compulsory-to-attend integrated training session from CITS (Center for IT Services) and CELT (Center for Excellence in Learning and Teaching). The training session was useful but done in somewhat boring way as we cannot fully use the functionality provided in the real system. The best part of the training is: we are paid for the hours being trained.

On Tuesday, the group in HW0110 meets at the benches between MAE and SCE. We started the discussion at 12 after having lunch and somewhat finished the essay by around 3pm. I cannot contribute much this time as my group mates’ ideas was very good. The night, I went to the newly opened Canteen 2 to have a dinner together with my friends. The food itself was just so-so but the prices were expensive.

On Wednesday, I worked part-time as CITS-SA at OSSAC. This time, there were very few visitors as this week is the recess week. Also, some of them came up with complex request. One of them asked whether Microsoft had an Android app to access NTU Email. At last I set-up the native Email app to access NTU Email, but he seemed rather dissatisfied with that.

On Thursday, I went to ASUS Service Center to repair my newly bought laptop. They said that it need to be repaired and I should wait for maximum of 5 working days for them to contact me. The issues were: (1) fan always goes full speed; (2) nVidia graphic card is not detected at Device Manager; (3) There were fault at the monitor. The service center itself was quite small compared to my imagination (smaller than One-Stop @ SAC). It is located at the 11th floor of an office building called TRIVEX. This building is nearest to Tai Seng MRT Station (Circle Line). Yeah, it was quite far from NTU, but bo pien, after asking through email, the Customer Support told me to go there to fix my issue.

On Friday, I GOT NOTHING TO DO ALL DAY! I was so bored that I watched the e-lecture for CZ1004 which is the lecture on other university. The night is a busy night: I got an online competitive programming contest on Codeforces starting at 23:30 and lasting for 2 hours. I followed this contest for around 1 hour before I went to sleep.

On Saturday, the first thing I do is checking the result of yesterday’s contest. Yeah! For the first time since August 2012, my rating increases. On the afternoon after having lunch together at Canteen 1, I got NTUBS Resource Team meeting. The meeting discusses about the survey result and then we list up the free distribution books at NTUBS Cabinet. After dinner, I watched the movie Toy Story, and got prepared everything for online group meeting of CZ1002. At last the meeting started around 11 pm, and lasted until around 12am. The result was the project gone back to square one so that we can do the project easier as I can handle the PHP coding part.

On Sunday, after going to Buddhist Fellowhip and attending the Sunday Service about Healthy Mind, Happy Life, I went to Bugis to search for the shirt needed for the 2nd Photo Session with Mr. Johnson. At last, after deliberate discussion, we did not buy the shirt. Instead, some went to Giordano at IMM to buy the shorts needed. It was very tiring.

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