
Week 7 + Recess Week, Semester 3

5 October 2014

Whew, lately I’ve been so busy again, especially during the Recess Week, and hence I rarely had time to write my blog. Nevertheless, I did a lot of things in these two weeks, from having my Surface back, finishing Techcomm experiment, joining NTUC Income Race On 2014, being in “LSC” at NTUBS MR, until doing Spring Cleaning. …

The Recess Week

6 October 2013

This week has been a very busy, stressful, and yet some days are very boring. This week, our group project on HW0110 Effective Communication finished up the essay. CZ1002 (Introduction to Computing System) group project has just restarted. CZ1004 (Great Ideas in Computing) group project was just adding content to the group wiki. …