July 2016

4 August 2016

July was a month of endings.

July, like in other years, started with 1st of July. But this year was different, this year, I was not feeling well. I forced myself to go to work that day, but left early to go back and rest.

That weekend, I went to Microsoft Mobile Device Care Center to have my Lumia 1020 phone repaired. What’s wrong this time? It was the camera module: the aperture  and after a chat with Microsoft support, they recommended me to bring the device to that place.

That Sunday too, after having full-day rest on Saturday, I felt better and forced myself to attend a special talk by Sis Sylvia Bay at Buddhist Fellowship. Not a good idea, my cough went worse.

The fourth of July this time was different, I had my own “holiday”, because I went to see doctor at NTU Medical Center and the doctor prescribed me few medicines and a one-day MC (medical certificate), i.e. an official permission to not go to work.

And then on the 6th, which was a public holiday, I discovered that I had red eyes; I went to see doctor the next day and were prescribed two eyedrops.

The rest of early July wasn’t that fun. Work is quite boring, maybe because there were no new requirements that need to be done, only minor bugs that I found and fixed over the hours. The lunches were still nice tough, I still enjoyed having lunch with the group of EA + UX + ET.

There was a sudden “department lunch” when on a cloudy Friday afternoon, everyone suddenly had lunch around the same time and had a same destination, a bak kut teh place at PSA Building.

It was also during early July that I chatted a lot with my dad, updating him about my conditions and this made me really want to go home. And I did, I purchased my ticket back for 1-9 August.

The weeks were quite repetitive: Doing FYP over the weekends. Doing freelance work over the night. But I finished re-watching HIMYM.

Around mid-July, I went out with Andy, Riko, Filbert to Star Vista for chilling out before their convocation. We had a dinner at fancy Korean BBQ place, and we ended with drinking tea from Gong Cha and chit-chatting over the open area, talking about life so far and life ahead.

Moved to new room at Hall 9. Room layout is exactly the same as that in Hall 11 during my first year, I was also assigned the same room side too. This room location is not that good as it is almost directly above the laundry room, but after few nights, I adapted to the noise (or it hasn’t generated that much noise yet?)

I also finally had a roommate (not squatter) :) The notion of roommate is that one will equally share the ownership of the room, whereas squatter always feel that one is not and is of lower class compared its landlord.

Back to work, I presented on my work on mobile app and also on Wikimania 2016 to my colleagues here in Singapore, and then to those on Taiwan office. And during my last week of internship I got farewell lunches three times: from the department manager (at a Western restaurant), from the people who I usually went to have lunch with (at a Indonesian restaurant), and from my internship supervisor (at a Japanese restaurant).

For few nights, my sleep weren’t as nice because I had to cope with him staying up all night playing games (with his desk lamp on and his typing/mouse-clicking noises which can’t be avoided). For few nights, I woke up around 4 am to realize that I still need continue my sleep. Towards the end of that week, I think I had finally coped with this condition.

Everything ended with NTUBS MR2. It was my last MR 2, it was so familiar as the venue was at Aloha Loyang, the place where CNS 2014 took place and NTUBS 32nd MC MR2 took place. We did a lot of things and a lot of nothings: watched movies, watched nonsensical Ylvis music videos, BBQ-ing, tasted veggies cooked with strawberry jam and my Italian dark chocolate -_- , a short meeting to finish off what we left during the final MC meeting (back in May), had birthday celebrations, and the best & worst part is to  have a liter of ice cream as breakfast (so sinful, haha; but I couldn’t finish it).

Note: Sorry, I forgot to edit this draft for so long. This piece was published on 28 Aug with date of publishing set to 4 Aug to not interfere with the post orderings that I’ve published afterwards.

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