Holiday progress

19 May 2013

On this holiday, I got much repetitive work occurring almost every day. Not that it is boring but it was not meaningful.

I’ve done some activities with my friends like badminton (10 May 2013; with Golfin, Charlie, Tommy); and swimming (15 May 2013; with Alwyn, Handoko, Harri, KP, David)

On week 4 of my holiday (13-19 May 2013), I’ve been busy resurrecting my old computer. First, I inspected the files and programs there. Wow, there were some good games that isn’t in the start menu, which files were not deleted during the last time the computer got formatted (the technician just formatted drive C, the files were on drive D; some valuable files were deleted, but some are saved because he moved it to drive D). There were some programs that didn’t run anymore because the registry was reset during the Windows reinstallation. I’m amazed on how some games didn’t depend on registry (or other files that were on drive C). Those games reminded me on my childhood. Take an example: Evil Genius, Star Wars Battlefront, Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic II, Civilization III, etc. I moved out some big files to my external hard drive.

After that I attempted to boot the computer using Ubuntu 13.04. Quite hard because the BIOS configuration was not working for booting to flash disk. Well, I managed to find out that I need to boot using CD that were installed some program that will boot the flash disk. When I tried Ubuntu 13.04 there, it was fast. But when I finally installed it, it ran quite slow. I don’t know why.

Besides that, on 18 May 2013 I was called to teach my juniors at the school. Well, I didn’t put much hope on them because when we tested them at the next day, the results were bad. I’m hoping that their rival, which was from Sutomo 2 and Methodist 2 will do the best at OSP and then at OSN so that they will make Competitive Programming in Medan became more prestigious.

19 May 2013, I looked at CodeIgniter after Charlie asked me if I ever used it. I seemed interested in that framework. I need something to make my codes become readable. My current project is making me lazy to code because it was quite messy too. Will I re-do my project? Let’s see.

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