19 July 2013

This week, I’ve been focusing to work on codes at LM2, which is now at beta! yeah! It is now available at http://kenrick95.org/lm2/. Currently, it can operate well and do its basic function: sharing ideas in competitive programming problems. The only thing that is not working yet is the point system (and maybe the forgot password thing, I have no idea why)

I did this project because I find it difficult for peoples to share their own problems at online judge. Now, everyone can share it, but I’m afraid that it will full of spam, so I make it available for people who requested the rights.

Today, I state that this project has come to another hiatus. I’ll be moving on to another independent project that may make me gain more knowledge to build LM2 project better. Although in hiatus, it may be updated if there were bug reports or I am in mood to continue the project.

I’m thinking of doing an extension at MediaWiki software that utilizes ideone API and did the functionalities of submitting & grading answers. Let’s see if I can make it.

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