17 November 2013

This week has been quite relaxing and has started to feel the intensity of examinations.

On Monday, there was just 1-hour lecture on Discrete Maths, this is the last lecture. In the afternoon, I had 2 tutorial class on CZ1003 and CZ1005. This was the last CZ1003 tutorial class.

On Tuesday, there was just a 1-hour Digital Logic last lecture which recaps all the materials from the mid-semester.

On Wednesday, I attended CZ1005 tutorial again for another tutorial group as my tutorial group left behind by 1 tutorial question sheet. My group’s last tutorial class will be on Monday 18 November, and my tutor welcomes us at another group if we don’t want to attend the Monday class. After the CZ1005 class, I attended HE9091 last tutorial, here the tutor shared the tutorial answer from the first tutorial till the last one with us. In the afternoon, I went to work part-time at OSSAC. This time it was very quiet. Besides very few people come to my counter, there were also very few people who go to another counter.

Thursday was Robert’s birthday but we did not know it until afternoon. In the afternoon, I attended the last tutorial on Effective Communication, watching those who haven’t done the speech. After that the tutor gave back our Assignment 1, a critic on an academic writing. Quite surprising as our group get A- verdict from our tutor. Later that day, I and Peter went to Canteen 11 to buy 18 muffins and went to Steven Hartawan’s room to get 9 candles. In the evening, we made a surprise at Robert’s room. With just around 15 people around there, we managed to squeezed ourselves into his room and carried the surprise: he entered his room while we carried those 18 muffins with just 9 candles. Some time after that, we went back and I went to the reading room to revise for CZ1004 quiz the next day.

Friday I woke up early because of the CZ1004 quiz starting at 09.30 am. The quiz somehow was normal difficulty but I missed some of the questions. After this quiz, I have 4 AUs cleared already: 2 AU from Effective Communication, 2 AU from this course. After the class, I went back to hall, got an announcement for CZ1005 course. It said that we can check our coursework (30% of final grade) at edventure: I was surprised to see that I got A+ for that grade. In the evening, NTUBS Support Team, consisting of Resource team, Marketing team, and Business team, held a steamboat session at Hall 7 Block 39 TV Lounge. Before we started eating, the teams had a meeting first. After that, we ate! The best part of the food was cheesy tofu (tofu filled with cheese). This time while eating, we also watched TV together. It was very long since I watched TV while eating.

On Saturday, as usual, in the morning I did laundry. After lunch, I continued doing my PYPs (Past Year Papers) but around 3pm, I started watching Korra. Unexpectedly there were 4 new episodes available of which I watched all of them straight! The story was somehow expected and the end of the book (season) was not spoiling the next book. I wonder what the next book will be. Hopefully it ended before the exam started (or unluckily, it ended because there were no more refreshment during exam period).

On Sunday, I went to Buddhist Fellowship. Today it was very crowded, maybe because they held a one-day retreat event there. The speaker today was Ajahn Sujato, he talked about Metta (Loving Kindness) practices during Buddha’s time. After his talk, he revealed that he was also involved in the Sutta Central project, a website to collect all of Buddhist scripts in various languages. After the talk, I went to Valu & Fairprice to buy some “stocks” for the exam period.

This week, the intensity of exam is started! Everyone seems to study every day and night. My first exam will be on Friday, 22 November, on CZ1001 Discrete Mathematics. Hope this time I can do the exams well.

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