Revision week (and first examination)

24 November 2013

This week is called revision week: there were no more classes this week as we were supposed to revise and prepare for examinations which my first examination is on the Friday of that week. Overall, this week I spent it just for revision on anything (except Computing System, which came last in my exam schedule).On Wednesday, I joined my friends studying for a while at the benches between MAE & SCE. After that I went to work at OSSAC, which I found not so nice to be the revision place as there are some people who will come around and “interrupt” the revision.

On Thursday after lunch, I joined my friends again studying and discussing together Discrete Mathematics at SCE Student Lounge. It lasted around 3 hours and we ended up playing UNO Stacko at SAC.

On Friday, we had lunch together first before having our first examination of Discrete Mathematics at 1430-1630 at Nanyang Auditorium, Foyer B1 (Exam Hall A). It turned out that the time between our lunch and our exam is too long and boring, so we went to SAC to “kill time” by having some fun activities there. Around 2, we walked to Nanyang Auditorium to find out that the hall haven’t opened yet. Around 1415 we were allowed to get in. At 1430, we were allowed to do the test. The test itself at the first glance is not as hard as imagined. But when I tried to attempt some questions, I got stuck and decided to skip them first. In the end, I was able to solve all the questions and I still got around half an hour left. But I was not sure about my solution of a question and I realized that I did some error on the other question. Inside the exam hall, the air temperature was okay, with me wearing jacket, but in the end of exam, my hands were cold while my body & head were hot. After exam, we went back to SAC and then went back to hall.

On Sunday, I went to Buddhist Fellowship together with Dhika, and Freddy (who went there separately). The topic there was right speech: abstaining from lying, from divisive speech, from abusive speech, & from idle chatter. In summary, today’s topic is: if a speech is true, factual, and beneficial, whether it is agreeable or not, that speech may be said at a proper time; otherwise, it is better not to say it. After that, we went back to NTU after visiting Fairprice to do some shopping.

This week was revision week. Days other than stated above, I just spent the whole day revising and doing PYPs in my room. At the end of this week, I have passed 1 out of 5 examinations. Next week, I will have 2 examinations, one on Tuesday and the other on Wednesday. Hope that I can do well on all of the examinations.

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