Week 13, Semester 2

20 April 2014

This week was the last lecturing week before exam. I’ve started revising and I will start my exam on 25 April and end on 8 May.

On Monday, there were no classes on the morning. I attended the afternoon lecture of CZ0001 Engineers and Society and group presentations of EE8087 Living with Mathematics. As on the next day I got 2nd quiz of CZ1008 Engineering Mathematics (about probabilities and statistics), most of the time was used for answering questions from Brilliant.org, where I choose only Combinatorics problems. After I went back, I focused on PYPs of CZ1008, doing only the questions related to the quiz itself.

On Tuesday, the quiz started at 11:30am, and I did quite well, I had plenty of time re-checking my answers :) After that I listened to the last lecture of CZ0001. After lunch, I and Peter went to Business Library to study (simply because LWN Library was full). Here, I watched the video lecture of Buddhism and Modern Psychology on Coursera. After that, I attended the final revision lecture of BU8201 Business Finance, I’m gonna miss the lecture teaching style. Finally I went back to my room and around 8, Andy and Benny called my via Skype, “chit-chatting” about Awaken Challenge, but I find it was like them interviewing me. I started to do my PYPs on CZ1007 this day before I went to Diego’s birthday celebration at his room, led by Ze Yong. The celebration was one of the most different one as he was surprised at his room, and then he was tasked to find 22 wishes card spread around his room. He turned out to find out 14 of them and hence he got 8 forfeits.

On Wednesday, there was no class in the morning and I was hooked up with Brilliant again. But in the afternoon, I went to attend the last session of CM8001 Impact of Chemistry on Society, where this session was a Q&A session, which lasted just around 25 minutes. After that I went to SSLP and finished 2 PYPs of CZ1007. Next I went to the last BU8210 tutorial class before going back.

On Thursday, I started to revise CZ1006 and managed to finish 2 PYPs. After that, I went to the last lecture of CZ1007 talking about revision. Next, I went straight to Hall 13 TV Lounge for Awaken Challenge 2014 first meeting, where the participants are me, Aryani, Yan Xiang, and Stephen Franseda; and the coach team are Andy, Benny, Chun Wah, and Raymond.

On Friday, it is a public holiday and most of my times were spent on rewriting Raun and doing PYPs the whole day. For Raun, I finished rewriting it and integrating it with Intuition (by Krinkle), a localization tool which connects to Translatewiki. To deploy it, I need to send pull request to Intuition repo. Nevertheless, I decided to merge the rewrite branch to master branch as basic things were already completed. Overall, the re-writed JavaScript file reduced from 786 lines to 683 lines. (hmmm, but I deleted out the usage of Web Notifications and Page Visibility API). Besides that, I go and make myself a summary document of everything that is needed to be revised on CZ0001, where the text content was very much.

On Saturday, Krinkle commented on my pull request and I quickly fixed everything. On the morning, I also have my laundry and room cleaning done :) And on the afternoon, I revised BU8201 notes and then started to do the PYPs where I find them quite hard, especially for the MCQs. At the night, I mostly spent time to watch this week’s video lecture of Buddhism and Modern Psychology on Coursera; continue doing PYPs and finalize EE8087 Project Report (yay!).

On Sunday, I and Dhika went to Buddhist Fellowship Sunday Service, the talk was about “How to Generate Respect in 2 Directions” by Bhante Jaganatha, whom I found quite humorous. The talk itself was just discussing and explaining parts of the suttas. After lunch, I and Dhika stayed back until around 2 pm to help the volunteers there fold the brochures for Vesak Celebrations. I went back and took a nap after that. Next I started to do PYPs on CZ1008 Engineering Mathematics, but at around 8pm, Teddy shared that a competitive programming internal competition will start soon and I got distracted :P Out of 5 problems, I attempted 2 problems of which I got AC on one problem. By the way, the mid-term assignment of Buddhism and Modern Psychology peer evaluation feedback has been released (and I’m going to share my essay in this blog).

Next week my exam starts on Friday! Good luck and have fun! :)

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