13 April 2014
This week was filled with a lot of playing games and doing nothing related to academic things. The last exam welfare package were given this week and I had 3 NTUBS photoshoot session in 2 days at the end of the week.
On Monday, going through the last lab on CZ1007 Data Structure, and then attended the lectures of CZ1007 and CZ1006. In the afternoon, I played an hour of Mario Bros with Peter, Zillion, and Grace (and later Nardi) at Nintendo Wii at UROC, SAC. After that, I went to attend the 2-hour “mass-tutorial” of CZ0001 Engineers and Society, where I presented answer of one of the tutorial questions. After that, I went back to SAC to find that they haven’t stopped playing. I decided to went back to my room and after dinner, I started doing USACO US Open 2014. The first problem was simple for getting 50 score, I brute force it and just submit it without further testing. I have no idea on the second problem, and then I went through to the third problem. Around 15 minutes, I constructed my way of solving the problem in pens and papers. Yes, I’m confident with this solution, but I find a hard time implementing it as I forget many things already. After an hour, I finished coding and testing it and I directly submit it.

On Tuesday, I encountered a coding adventure game called Untrusted, and the way to advance to the next level is to somehow “hack” the codes, wherever the hack is allowed, and I managed to went to level 9 before I went to the lectures. After lunch, I went to CZ1006 last lab, where I finished the experiment, including the optional ones, quite quickly and I went to continue playing the game again until I were stuck at level 15, and I must stop playing as the lab quiz is starting at the end of lab hours. After that I went to Business Finance lecture where the lecturer gave exam briefing at the end of the lecture. Back in my room, I focused on finishing the game, where I went to level 21 already and there was no thing to do anymore while it was said that there were 22 levels. I assumed that it was a bug and stop playing. Next, after doing my tutorial, I did the rewriting project of Raun and playing quiz games which were shared on Facebook.

On Wednesday, after I went to last tutorial of CZ1007 and CZ1006; and a lunch, I, Peter, and Zillion continued playing Mario Bros at UROC, SAC for an hour. Next, I went to CM8001 lecture, where the clickers session was cancelled, and the lecturer actually finished up lecturing all the materials in 3 hours full (with minimum break time). Finally at the end of the lecture, he asked if next week we want to have a clickers session and everyone (100%) voted for no. Next I went for Business Finance tutorial and then went back.

On Thursday, I wrote an essay for the MOOC Buddhism and Modern Psychology at coursera, and I continued on the rewrite project of Raun. After I went for lectures of CZ1007 and CZ1006, I and some of my friends went to Dr Teo’s office, asking for tutorial solutions of CZ1006. After I went back, I saw Joshua post on Facebook that Untrusted level 21 is not the last level, and suddenly went to explore Untrusted and finally I achieved level 22, which is the credits. On the night, I and Robert went to Hall 7 looking for locals to apply as roommate but can’t find one.

On Friday, my bread ran out of stock again and I cooked Indomie again for my breakfast. I went to CZ1008 last tutorial class and then to SCE Lounge to collect exam welfare package (and a cup of ice cream) from Computer Engineering Club. Next I went to CZ1008 lecture, it’s a rare moment to listen to lecture while eating ice cream :P . After a quick-lunch, I started the work at CITS at LWN Library. After the computer checking task, I went to listen for Buddhism and Modern Psychology lectures, but later suddenly a call come from Alwyn, saying that there is a local looking for foreigner to apply for hall. This is it! But I’m surprised that he is Ian, the UOC chairman, who “recruits” me, Zillion, and Peter as the publicity of UOC, which we don’t know what to do. At the night, we applied for hall 4, and I was very relieved that my room next semester is assured already. In the meantime, I also continued doing the project of rewriting Raun.

On Saturday, I started the day with laundry, but in the time waiting for laundry to finish, I participated in Google Code Jam 2014 Qualification Round, and before lunch, I solved A, solved B-small, missed B-large (ouch), and got incorrect attempts on C-small. After lunch together (with Ivan, Zillion, and Eka) at Canteen 1, we went to Nanyang House for NTUBS Resource Photoshoot, in which the photographer was Liniki, and Rizky was there too, but too bad that Kai-yan can’t come due to her being sick. Around the end of the photoshoot, where we sat at the road railing, I fall down and almost hit my head, but my hand gripped the railings strongly that the others can help me “free” from that dangerous position. At the photoshoot, Ivan, the resource director, gave out “exam welfare package” for all of his subcomms, Liniki, and Rizky. After this photoshoot, we got NTUBS Dharma Camp 2014 committees photoshoot at The Quad, where it was a big and tiring one. After this, I walked back (and was very tired already). After dinner, I went out to Serangoon MRT to meet my aunt who passed me my passport (which I send back to my hometown to process for Canada visa). Arrived at NTU around 9.30pm, I continued coding for an hour and finally gave up on the competition.

On Sunday, I woke up late (around 9) and continued the Raun-rewrite project. At the afternoon, I cleaned my room and then continued that project. Around 3.30, I went to NTUBS Camp Nirvana Singapore 2014 photoshoot, where the photoshoot went not long and then we went for dinner at Canteen 1. Around 6, I went back and continued the project, and started to do CZ1007 PYP, where I found quite hard as the tricks relies on operator precedence.

Next week, many of the lectures and tutorials are finished already so I had a lot of time to revise the lessons. But I still have to submit CZ1007 Assignment 2, and EE8087 Project Report. And at Tuesday, I will have the 2nd quiz of CZ1008 on Probability and Statistics.