6 April 2014
This week I focused on BU8201 Business Finance quiz, which turned out to be good, and then welcome April by the annual and universal April Fool event. The rest of the week can be said to be the unproductive one, where many time was killed by playing games, browsing around the web, etc.
On Monday, I was just in time for the first class of the week. In this lab, we were given back our Assignment 1 report from the supervisor to know where is our error in the assignment (hopefully I did not do anything wrong). After that the classes went normally until my class ended with EE8087 Living with Mathematics, where I went there just to watch (and mostly play games in my Surface), but frankly the presentations were more interesting than the second half of the lectures.

On Tuesday, my day started with expecting something great from Google. I did not aware that Gmail Shelfie was a prank (and I just ignore that “feature” when it popped out). Too bad the main attraction was at the Google Maps application at Android & iOS. I also went to English Wikipedia, reading those funny things. After fulfilling the need for April Fool’s pranks, I went to the school, registering a financial calculator that Stephen lent; printing some stuffs; and then went to lectures. After lunch, I went to CZ1008 lab, which was about numerical methods, and after lab, I and Peter went to Business Library to study Business Finance. This is the first time I borrowed a textbook (for a course). After 2 hours of studying, we went to have dinner together with the others who will went to NTUBS Dhamma Talk; but we were not going there, instead, we went back to the library to study again. Around 9, we decided to stop and wen back.

On Wednesday, I started the day with sending my vote for 2014 Indonesian Legislative Election through mail. After some thinking, I voted for Yoga Dirga Cahya from PAN, because he was an NTU alumni; by the way, I chose regardless of the political party. At the tutorial of CZ1007, the questions were again the same as lab questions. Next was CZ1006 tutorial which goes on slowly. Next, we went to LT8 to attend a talk by Student Welbeing Center, the talk was about exam preparations. After this, comes the best part: goodie bag from NTUSU, without queuing under the hot sun. Next we went for lunch and then I attended CM8001 Impact of Chemistry on Society, where I got focused on the lecturer almost all the time. Next I revised quickly and went for BU8201 Business Finance quiz at S4-ITL SA3. After doing the quiz, where I got 9/10, I went back to my hall. Today was a good day as Hall XI was also giving exam welfare package (and candy floss). :)

On Thursday, I had nothing to do in the morning, just killing time until it was lecture time at the afternoon. Just some time before lunch, I started to watch the recorded Microsoft’s Build 2014 Keynote event, which announced many new things that will be available in Microsoft’s products.After the lectures of CZ1007, CZ1006, and EE8087, I went back and continued to watch the keynote.
By the way, on Wednesday, the Surface Type Cover prize arrived safely at my home at my hometown. I won this prize from a lucky draw event called “30 Days of Surface Challenge”, starting from the day Surface 2 was released (back in 2013), in which every day we can be asked to enter our details to join the daily lucky draw. Around a month later, I was told that I won a Surface Type Cover, and after many weeks of waiting, last week they send me another email telling that the prize is being sent by courier UPS, they also include the tracking status (this prize goes from east US, to central US, Alaska, Hong Kong, Singapore, Jakarta, and finally my hometown, Medan.

On Friday, I went to CZ1008 tutorial and lecture, continued by work at CITS at LWN Library. After the tiring PC checking, where many computers were turned off (and some others are unplugged), I just spent the rest of the time watching the video lecture of Buddhism & Modern Psychology MOOC at Coursera. After work, I went to help setting up the last NTUBS event of this semester: NTUBS Exam Supper. In the event, we were divided into groups and went through some “Crime Scene Investigation” (which was quite fun). Next highlight was the supper, bibimbap, which was prepared by Metta team; and goodie bag, which was prepared by the Business team.

On Saturday, I woke up to a nice rainy morning, which makes me missed my first daily alarm at 7 am. I went for breakfast at Canteen 11, after a long time not having breakfast here. After that I did laundry: a big one cause I changed my bed cover (and used the dryer, for it was still raining, and even if it was sunny, the hanging area isn’t enough for all my laundry). For the mean time, I opened up Visual Studio and started to comment my assignment 2 of CZ1007 Data Structure, and realizing on some more bugs that appeared in my project. I also started to continue my idea of rewriting Raun. But I stumble upon some communication problem between the functions and after some hard times fixing those things, finally the basic function of Raun was working; it was not up at the tools.wmflabs.org, but the code are already available at GitHub (as different branch). By the way, today, the exam wishes (organized by PINTU) was delivered; and because of this my rack was full of snacks and goodies from many organizations.

On Sunday, I went for Sunday Service at Buddhist Fellowship. The talk was about right practice by Bro Yap. The conclusion of the talk is: the best time to practice the Dhamma is every time, every where. After the talk, I had lunch there first (and met Sunarta, Andi (Indonesian, currently working), Michiko, and Meigi) before going back. Going back, Liniki came to my room asking for me helping CZ1007 Assignment 2. Right before dinner, he was done :)

Exam is near (exam coming in 3 weeks), but there are still some things to do before exam. For example, CZ1007 Assignment 2, EE8087 Project Report, and CZ1008 2nd quiz. I hope to finish them all so that I can prepare for exam already.