Coldplay live in Toronto 2006

Just sharing: I’ve watched some Coldplay live performances online, but for me, this one is the best.

It was said on Wikipedia that this concert should be released in DVD format but it never happened. I guessed that it was too bad since they made mistakes (obvious, since Chris paused the song and replayed from earlier part). Since it was never been released, I guess that this performance did not gain a lot of attractions like their mistake in Glastonbury 2011.

I’d say this concert was better than Live 2012 since in this concert, it was just X&Y era: their hits weren’t that many and they performed most of X&Y songs in this concert. For the album X&Y, I like some songs and other songs were just so-so. But when they performed those “just so-so” songs in this concert and I was amazed. It was just beautifully done.

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