Week 5, Semester 4: NTUBS Anniversary Night

18 February 2015

Week 5 was similar to Week 4: started quite free but chaotic at the end. And of course, not as chaotic as Week 3 (Buddhism Awareness Week).

Monday started with CZ3001 lecture, then CZ2006 group project meeting which lasted until 1330 that makes me so hungry that I need to eat lunch and skipped the CZ2007 lecture. After that, I caught up with CM8003 lecture recording (in 2x speed) and then attended CM8003 lecture and then went to NYH to meet Evando, who took some stuffs from me. I went back to school again to attend CZ3005 lecture before going to Hall 13 for NTUBS MC Meeting.

I woke up early, but since my meeting with Evando at NYH was cancelled, I then continued to sleep. Also, because I seen the notes of Software Engineering was quite boring, I decided to lengthen my sleep time. I went to CZ2006 lab for the group project meeting. After the meeting, I went for lunch and then CZ2007 tutorial, then went to Business Library, reading BU8401 textbook for the assignment question, did CZ0002 lecture recording, and then attempted CZ3001 tutorial before going for the tutorial (which I crashed other group’s tutorial). After dinner, I went back, did some translation on Translate Wiki for the Upload Wizard extension, also did an hour of lecture recording of CZ2006.

Wednesday I went for CZ2006 tutorial, then went back to have a short nap, did Wikipedia editing, UploadWizard translation, and tried to automate bot running process (although not successful). Around 5pm, I went for a dinner then BU8401 seminar. Then went back and continued my stuffs, including finishing APAD (http://kenrick95.github.io/apad/) and deploying it to GitHub pages.

On Thursday, I went for the CZ2006 lecture in the morning, but then I just can’t focus as the lecture is boring and I searched around to find a PHP router (for my CZ2006 project) and there were a number of them. I decided to use klein.php router. At first, I avoided those project that uses composer, but then it seems like it is unavoidable. After the lecture, I had lunch and then attended CZ2007, CZ3005, CM8003 lectures. Going back, I started to experiment with klein.php, restructuring the project, and adding some functionalities. It took quite long until midnight to deploy the project at cloud and make it work (since the cloud’s settings were different from local one, and the only way to push the project to cloud was to commit & push it) That explains why the number of commit during this night were unusually high.

Friday started early with me arriving at NYH at 8 am to be “kiasu” for NYH room booking. After the room booking has succeeded, I went to cabinet, take out some final stuffs for anniversary and stores it at Evando’s room at Hall 13. Now lots of the cabinet stuffs are distributed around Hall 13. I then went back to my room, did some coding for ICPC training and AC-ed one problem, and then an email offering part-time job came and I directly accepted it; and went for a short briefing. Then, I did CZ3005 tutorial, attended CZ3001 lecture, and CZ3005 tutorial before going back to my hall to move BAW stuffs to Hall 3 function room. Arriving at 5pm, I helped the rest in setting up the event. Well, the event started quite late as the dinner arrived late. But nevertheless, the event went well (but if I were to compare, last year’s one [held at LT] was better cause the sound system were well established). After the event ended, the chaotic event started: cleaning up. Luckily everyone helped, as this event was the largest event for the semester and definitely no time to clean up + store at NYH; so we just clean up and distribute the stuffs and bring to NYH at later date. After the cleanup, we went to Hall 2 to celebrate Freddy’s birthday. After that, I went back and sleep.

My Saturday started with ICPC Training Discussion and then CZ2006 group project meeting. After that, the day continued with me coding for CZ2006 stuffs while watching TBBT and Magic Kaito 1412. Yeah, “MMJK” [Malam Minggu Jomblo Koding: Weekends, Single, and Coding] on Valentine’s Day. :P

On Sunday, I went to Buddhist Fellowship Sunday Service with Marshall, Benny, Shienny, and Andy (also met Rizky and Diego there) that has Bro Sebastian Wong talking about the need to do things as urgent as possible and not delaying as death can occur any time. Also, as the sutta says, we need to contemplate for death as often as every breath. After the talk, I went to Aperia (around Lavender) to collect my charger from Microsoft Device Care Centre, and had an ice cendol there before going back to NTU. At my room, I finished translating Upload Wizard (and did some coding for CZ2006 group project). I also revised for CM8003 quiz the next day; and CZ3005 online quiz (that I took during midnight afterward).

1 thought on “Week 5, Semester 4: NTUBS Anniversary Night”

  1. azhari bin md ghazali

    hello kendrick. are taking bu8401 management decision tools also. Im azhari and im taking that module on the friday class. Do you understand and find it easy. Because i having so much problems understanding the module. I really need a buddy at least to mentor or tutor me. If you dont mind tutoring me, i would appreciate. I would give you reasonable of money for your effort in helping me if you do consider helping me.

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