
The rest of May 2016

5 June 2016

Since the last time I posted in mid-May 2016, I have been going through three weeks of internship at Titansoft. The company occupies the whole level 2 and level 3 of that building (not that big, but also not that small). On my first day, I had a briefing in the morning by the Operations department, and then a tour of the office. The department where I belong, Developer department, is situated on level 3, the whole level 3 is Developer department.

In this internship, I was embarked on a project to develop a mobile apps. So far, I have been resisting to develop mobile apps (because I believed in webapps since it can be accessed across different platforms) but when I was told to do so in C# using Xamarin.Forms, I was very delighted. This is because I have been wanting to develop something in Xamarin platform for quite some time, but haven’t found an idea to work on seriously. My first day of internship was spent on setting up the PC, downloading Xamarin and lots of SDKs. I was also given an Android smartphone for trying the app in a real device, and a Macbook to connect to my PC so that Xamarin can build and simulate iOS apps.

So far the development was alright, I was quite surprised when my supervisor commented on my coding style that did not conform with C# naming style (as I did not know previously and just typed everything in lowerCamelCase except for class name where I use UpperCamelCase). Turned out that in C#, the default was UpperCamelCase for everything except parameter name; and freestyle for local variable name.

Visual Studio was a really nice IDE due to its IntelliSense. Due to this, I don’t really need to remember which “using” I need to put before coding.

During these three weeks of internship, there was a department-wide event, called “Red Friday”, a kind of hackathon. It started with us playing Story Cubes ( to kickstart out creativity in developing ideas later on. In idea generation period, I observed quietly, and I realized that there were a lot of internal jargons (presumably the product or server name) that I do not know about. Then the teams worked on the idea using a technique which they named “TOPS” (Titansoft One-page Problem Solving), for describing the idea in a QBQ-way, breaking down the ideas into smaller parts, identifying the subproblems relationships, solution pros and cons, and then the summary. Seems like a lot of trouble in solving a problem, but as my department manager told us, a problem well described is already half-solved.

In this Red Friday, I was inclined to the Executive Assistant’s idea of revamping the internal book library borrowing and returning system. Basically, what we did is implementing TOPS to solve the problem.

At the end of the day, all of the teams were called back and we were told to “show, not tell” what we have done for the day. And then the Red Friday was closed with a small sharing session.

I also joined the company-wide bowling session at The Chevron, Jurong East. This time, I did not know why but I missed the pins a lot. But I finally striked at almost the end of the game.

Company-aside, there was NTUBSA Vesak Celebration two hours after the bowling session ended, I rushed to LBSCC (at Marsiling) and no one is there yet but the NTUBSA people, doing AGM. I observed quietly their AGM process which is very chill. After that, the Vesak celebration preparation was started. The dinner was quite unique, it was Thai vegetarian buffet, but the rice was blue! The Vesak celebration highlight was Venerable Chuan Guan giving talk, where he shared his thought around the theme, Bodhi.

Other thing aside, the preparation for Awaken Challenge has now been more intensive. I realized that it was lacking behind, but let’s hope for the best.


Vesak 2560 BE

21 May 2016

Today is Vesak Day in Singapore.

I went with NTUBS friends to Buddhist Fellowship in the morning, enjoying their Vesak Carnival, met some seniors, and listened to the Dharma talk. Today, the talk was quite “light” but still inspiring. The venerable talked about the significance of Three Refuges and Five Precepts. After that, I went back to NTU, to catch up with an online meeting with Indonesian Wikipedia admins, but the internet connection is bad so I can’t really join their meeting.

I’d like to spend this Vesak to reflect on authenticity, more specifically, on peer pressuring and conformity. …


13 May 2016

Wow, it’s been quite long since the last time I updated my blog, so there are several notable points that happened since mid-March:

  • I finished the group projects of CZ4034 Information Retreival quite on time (after numerous long-meetings), CZ4041 Machine Learning quite on deadline, and CZ4046 Intelligent Agents quite well.
  • My group presented in HW0310 Professional Communication, and I was delighted to see a quite positive feedback from the tutor.
  • I submitted CE2004 Circuits and Signal Analysis lab reports, and received back the first one, with quite below average feedback.
  • I went through CZ3007 Compiler Techniques labs and quiz; and surprisingly I got a very good grade in the quiz and labs.
  • I finished a freelance task on doing a website design; and is currently occupied in doing a CRM system.
  • I went through the exams
    • CE2004: very difficult and I went blank on two subquestions
    • CZ3007: very well
    • CZ4041: quite good
    • CZ4046: not that good, I was really unsure of a whole question
    • CZ4034: quite okay
  • I will have summer internship at Titansoft, starting next week.
  • I will be moving to another room at another block in the same hall around end of next week.
  • FYP: Not much progress, I read through a paper on Assumption-based Argumentation; and then I found another paper describing what I am supposed to do: Argumentation Graph & Assumption-based Argumentation. I just started to do the implementation and hopefully everything went well.
  • Wikimania: I received a Wikimania 2016 scholarship; and after numerous email exchanges with WMF PIC on visas to obtain the documents, I applied for Italian visa, and was approved a Schengen visa

That’s the TL;DR. I realized that there are a lot of details that I can write on, but most of them are still on draft and it hasn’t been completed yet.

Machine Learning: 6 hours progress

Capture-6hrs17 March 2016

In CZ4041 Machine Learning assignment, my group has chosen to do a quite difficult data science challenge from Kaggle. I’ve been approaching it using Artificial Neural Network (Multi-layer perceptron to be exact). I’ve switched from using Pybrain library to library. And since the raw training data is 10 GB, I pre-processed the data first and suddenly it became 26 GB. Phew, luckily I have lots of space in my hard drive. Now the challenge is how to fit those data in my 12-GB RAM. When I ran using Pybrain, I naively loaded the 10-GB raw data to the program and my computer frozen, like the good old days. Switching to Keras, it is more difficult to understand since there are much more configurations to set, but yeah I’ve been copy-pasting codes and doing trial-and-error with smaller dataset before doing this. So far, it seemed to be quite promising. Assuming the same speed, it will take 30+ hours to go. Hopefully it works.