
Poor or Rich

Disclaimer: this topic is about economics which is not my field of study. This is just a random thought on economics and errors may present in this post.

Recently, I am concerned about why some people are poor and some others are very rich.

According to my economics teacher when I’m in grade 10, well, I’m not in social stream and hence not studying economics on grade 11 and 12, this problem is a cycle: people are poor because they didn’t have job to do, they don’t have job because they didn’t have the education that qualify the job, they don’t have that education because they are poor.

 There is a video about ‘particle exchange’ in Minute Physics (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3_RhISgoXUs ) which is analogised by an economical exchange which explains why the value of each country’s money is not the same and how to apply it in Physics.

I think that the concept of being rich and poor is made as early as when people take profit when exchanging things. Taking profit will cause people to make the value of their product higher and higher, thus creates inflation. People who cannot follow this velocity of inflation will be the ‘poor’, and those whose product value get high faster will be the ‘rich’.

For example, product A is sold at 10 gold, bought at 9 gold. Suppose there is only 2 people in this system: I and the supplier. Also, assume that there is just 10 gold in that system, which is mine. I then bought that product and paid 10 gold to the supplier. After that, I sold that product to the supplier at 9 gold. The supplier will get a profit of 1 gold and I will “lose” 1 gold. The total assets owned by me decreased by one gold and by the supplier increased by one gold. This makes me “poor”-er and the supplier “rich”-er. If I want to be the “rich” one, I must find a way to get 1 gold in other system where there is 1 gold available for free (or with exchange scheme like this one). If the price of selling and buying things are the same, the total value of a person will be the same: no rich and no poor.

12 June 2012

12 June 2012
My day started on 8.30 am. I remembered that Satyananda, a long-time friend of mine, will pay a visit to my home at 10. I rushed to clean myself and have breakfast. It was still 9. I lay down for a while.
At 9.45, I had my bath. Got nothing to do. I started to defragment my laptop’s hard-disk. Also, I started to go online. I started it with doing a favour from Asep, a Wikipedia-and-Wikibooks user, on Indonesian Wikibooks. 10.30, Satya called me that he will start coming to my home. Around 11, he arrived here. I played Airline Manager first; chit-chat for a while; also copying my files to his externad HDD; and then started to play Winning Eleven on PS2. We started it with Netherlands 3-2 (me) England; then South Korea 1-2 (me) Australia; Manchester United 5-4 (me) Chelsea; finally Netherlands 3-3 (me) Spanish (PK: Ned won). Before NED v. ESP, I had lunch first.
After those things, he went home. I went to have a nap. In this nap, I had a very interesting dream. I dreamed that I am lying on my bed, with my eyes open, and I feel that I can move my body but I didn’t want to do it because I think it will cause me to be awake. Is this lucid dream? As I remembered, I have never experienced lucid dream before.
At 4, I had tuition on Johnson. I’m surprised that the students that followed intensive class on 2 was very many, including Leonard, Eddy, Stella, Selamat, and Jason. My friendship with Leonard now is not as well as that in January. I think he hasn’t forgave me on my words in the Whatsapp group last Sunday. I hope that our friendship didn’t broke.


Today is Vesak Day, which encompasses the birth, the enlightenment , and the passing of Gautama Buddha. I & my family paid a visit to Setiabudi Temple.

I prayed that may all the beings live happily (Sabbe Satta Bhavantu Sukhitahtta). But how? The night before this day, I have suggested some path to make the world better.


I think the most important issue today is the environmental issues.  People tend to live in a calmer way when the environment is clean, and when the weather is cool (not too hot). This way, there will be less conflict around the world, and thus, people live more happily. So, I think we must support Greenpeace, WWF, and Oxfam to make the environment better.


The next issue is education. When people are educated, they tend to live in a peaceful life although they still competing in a good way: they don’t fight physically. When people are at peace, people live more happily. So, I think we must support Wikipedia and its sister project that provide free educational material.


Politics vary across the globe, but they share a same feature: politics control people. When a group of people, who were elected by most people, control all people, it is called democracy. When some group of people make the people at the same status (and control all their life), it is called communism. Democracy tend to make large people larger and small people smaller. Communism tend to make small people large and large people small. Well, I’m a neutral person since I lost my faith in democracy. But the politics done in Wikipedia community seems good enough to be implemented to real life, because in the community, the rules are all neutral. So, it is not good to be too deep in a side. As Buddha suggested, the Middle Way, or in this context, the “neutral” party, is the best. Let’s hope there will be a real neutral party competing in the politics. :)

That’s all for this year on how to improve the world. May all the beings live happily. Thank you.