

10 July 2016

Doing good for a cause is great, it feels good. One of the easiest way of conducting good deeds is to make donations.

I donated frequently to temples I visit, sometimes to the tissue uncle, and quite too often on Humble Bundle. …


Sometimes, music that you listened had an impact on you. I had been, too.

It was far back then when I was in secondary school. I broke my family’s printer and felt guilty and stress because of the guilt. Some thoughts like “what should I do?”, “what will my family do to me?”, or “will I be scolded?” occurred. Then, I listened carefully to “Menghapus Jejakmu” (literal translation: Erasing Your Trail) by Peterpan, one of the most popular bands in Indonesia back then. That song really relieves my stress and my guilt since the song chorus was like “you are not everything to me/ not created to halt my steps/ after everything has passed/ let rain erases your trail”

The next song that has impacted me was “Goyang Duyu” by Project Pop. It was a humorous song by a comedy group. Last time, I watched on TV about an investigation on a religion sect that has quite scary worships and practices, which shaken my faith, and because of that, I couldn’t sleep, scared, and felt sick on the next day. The next day, I felt really better after watching TV where they played that song with its music video which was really funny.

Fast forward to 2011, it was around the time where I started to listen to English songs and to like Coldplay a lot. I also joined the school programming club in which that time they are selecting the school representatives to the national science olympiad on the city level. I think I did really badly and after I finished, I went back and listened to “Fix You“, it was a really touching song as the starting of the lyrics is “When you try your best, but you don’t succeed”. Listening to this song, I felt more relieved and not that sad as “light will guide you home/ and ignite your bonds/ I will try to fix you”

Also in 2012, “Survival” by Muse is released (for London 2012 and also their 6th album, The 2nd Law) and I usually listened to this song before competitions or exams as the song meaning not to give up, to fight hard, to reveal all your strengths, and to win whatever lies ahead.

Some songs reminded me about my family.

Pachelbel – Canon in D” (especially piano-only version) reminded me of my brother. So during my brother’s high school time, he practiced playing piano on this one song only, and he practiced every morning in very fast tempo before he went to school, while I was just half-awake (since that time my school starts in the afternoon). Sometimes I missed this, especially after his graduation from high school.

Chopin – Nocturne Op. 9 No. 2” reminded me of my sister, who studied and played piano. Sometimes I was really annoyed by her practicing piano since it was really loud and during that time, I can’t do anything: too noisy for studying nor sleeping. Sometimes, the song was also not that nice for me. But gradually, the song that she played is getting longer and longer and nicer and nicer. This piece was one of them.

Those are some songs that had some impact on me. Most of them relieves me from stress and makes me calm while some others reminded me of home. Sometimes, I wished to go back in time where my family was complete and where life was much simpler back then. But what’s left behind is just memories and they shall not halt life to go forward.

Coldplay live in Toronto 2006

Just sharing: I’ve watched some Coldplay live performances online, but for me, this one is the best.

It was said on Wikipedia that this concert should be released in DVD format but it never happened. I guessed that it was too bad since they made mistakes (obvious, since Chris paused the song and replayed from earlier part). Since it was never been released, I guess that this performance did not gain a lot of attractions like their mistake in Glastonbury 2011.

I’d say this concert was better than Live 2012 since in this concert, it was just X&Y era: their hits weren’t that many and they performed most of X&Y songs in this concert. For the album X&Y, I like some songs and other songs were just so-so. But when they performed those “just so-so” songs in this concert and I was amazed. It was just beautifully done.

Default Search Engine

Guess what is my default search engine in my default browser (Firefox)?

Hint: It’s not Google.

Disclaimer: This piece of writing is purely form of my opinion. I did not do any research beforehand and hence the information stated may not be accurate. Hence, please do spot the inaccuracies and I’ll take note of them. Thanks.

8 October 2014

9 October 2014

It was my 19th birthday.

The day itself was just a normal Wednesday, until I was surprised by my friends for a birthday celebration. Well, technically the Facebook event for this surprise shows up in my News Feed, which was surprising. After that, expecting they will celebrate at night, I just kept myself busy with many things, waiting for them to come :P although I tried my best for not knowing the event, to make them happy.

I woke up at 7, having prepared for the day, I went to CZ2002 lab. The lab itself was not so complicated and I managed to finished it in an hour. Going back, I took a short nap first before “fixing” the problem with my Surface, in which after I “refresh” it, it wouldn’t run Windows Update. In the meantime, I played Bejeweled 3, free full game from Origin. Besides that, I received many birthday greetings already and I start to thank them one by one.

After lunch at Canteen 1, I continued doing these stuffs until I went to HW0210 tutorial which talked about writing conclusion and recommendation, and abstract. After the tutorial, our group went to a TR (chopped one of course) for a meeting, discussing about the current state of the report. In the end of the meeting, they greeted me a happy birthday. Going back after dinner at Canteen A, I did my laundry, cleaned up my room, fixed my Surface problem, revised my part of HW0210 report, and then continued playing game. I also received an email from the past me, that is written on May 2014, wishing myself a happy birthday and reminding me about the status of my goals I’ve set earlier this year. In the end, I watched Magic Kaito first before going to bed (although I knew that they are coming).

Just right after I went to bed, they actually came and “surprised” me. I was greeted by a cake in front of the door by Alwyn and Chun Wah. :) Then, they took me to the bus stop where everyone else were waiting. Woah, a lot of people were there. They sung happy birthday, I cut the cake, we all ate the cake, did chit-chat, and finally took photos. I received a lot (read: A LOT) of birthday greetings here from my friends and received a birthday card (and gift) from NTUBS Fellowship team :) Yay, it was a little minion.

Usually people do resolutions on New Year, but I do it on birthday. So, this year’s resolution is:

  • Actively writing this blog. At least covers the story of every week of my life, preferably to publish every weekends.
  • Do more side projects and have more ideas. I should do a big side projects (the one like “Raun” is big enough for me) during holidays, and in the non-holiday period, think of project ideas. Besides that, I would also like to learn new tech stuffs, like learning Rust, Node.js, or mobile app development; and to make full use of my devices (laptop, tablet, and phone) in doing the projects.
  • Be more strict on schedule, especially sleeping time and waking-up time, and don’t waste time in procrastinating, always have something productive to do if I’m not resting.

On the side note, I would also like to enhance my public speaking skill, interview skill, and English skill. This is because I realize that I’m sucks at those things and would like to further improve them.

I hope that those all can be achieved by next year’s birthday.

May all be well and happy,
