The rest of April

At 16-19 April, 12.00-1.30 pm, we rehearse the drama.

On 20 April, we decided to do a costume rehearsal again on the Saturday (21st April); but wait, I just remembered that I’ve forgot to bring home my costume! Then, I went to find it on Lab 8; hopefully it is still there, untouched. :)  On 21 April, the costume rehearsal went short because many of them wanted to go home on 1 pm.

On Friday, 27 April, we watched  the first group played. In my opinion, the worst actor/actress was Jennifer; she like to add something that probably is not in the scenario, like the moment when she spoke like a Bataknese, I don’t like that part very much. The story was pointless. The made a story about the continuation of “Spartans vs 3 idiots”; which the Spartans and Persians are at war; the Persians kidnapped the princess of the Spartans (Jennifer) and in response, the king the Spartans (Andy) send a warrior (Juliana) and 3 idiots (Alvin, Marco, AJS) to free the princess. The 3 idiots eventually joins the Persians and attacked the Spartans. I don’t know how it ends but the story is complicated and confusing.

We do the last rehearsal on Saturday, 28 April. On 30 April, we performed! Wilson Tianusa recorded it in his camera; the file was 1GB large and the duration is just 14 minutes. It will be a hard time to upload it.

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