8 October 2013

8 October 2013

This day is my 18th birthday but I got my birthday celebrated the day before at NTUBS-led birthday celebration for Xin Wen and Josephine. Their birthday was 6 and 9 October respectively. I went there to prepare the celebration, and then I got surprised that I was also celebrated. Before blowing the candle, we were told to make a wish. My wish is as simple as “May all the beings be happy”. What’s more simple and universal than that?

I got a lot of birthday greetings from my families and my friends from my university, my high school, those with same interest in competitive programming and Wikipedia. At 12am, Jefferson and Aldi, my neighbours, went to my room to greet me although I’ve gone to sleep. In the morning, many of my friends greeted me at my Facebook timeline, WhatsApp groups, and Twitter. When I attended the lectures, ate at canteen, and went to CEC AGM & Investiture, more and more friends greeted me. By the way, Computer Engineering Club (CEC) AGM & Investiture was boring. The main points in the event are: (1) the past committee gave speech, (2) free dinner, (3) the new president told the future planning. This year was the first time my birthday was not celebrated by my family and it’s fine, birthday was just like another day, except I was greeted by many peoples.

By being 18, I would like to continue updating this blog at least once a week. Besides that, I would like also to learn many skills like designing and managing stuffs. I would also wish that I would be more active in speaking, and not feeling shy to speak. Lastly, I would like to start building my personal website to make it as a central place for me to actively test and publicize my experiments. I hope that those plans be fully achieved by next birthday.

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