5 January 2013

5 January 2013

My day was started on 8:20. After cleaning myself, I got a missed-call from Leonard, so I called back, it was his problem: mistook a subject which require chemistry on entrance exam, well, I answered well what he asked. I had my breakfast on 9.30 and my shower on 10. Golfin came around 10.35 and we went to Sun Plaza after picking up Leonard.

We were the first to come. Eventually, the others showed up one by one as we walked around the plaza: Lenny, Edward, Vicky, Roselyn.

We took our lunch at Sushi-tei. We ordered many variety of Japanese foods. For us, the soba (the cold noodle) was the worst one: it was tasteless.

After lunch, we went to Amazone. There we played many games, like air-hockey, and weight-pulling (this one we got high-score as we combined the power of 8 people, haha). Last but not least, we took photos at the photo-box provided by them.

We went around to look for a cafe to have drinks, and at last we decided to go to J.Co. There I left them a while to buy Coldplay’s newest live album titled “Live 2012”. For my drink, I had Chocholate Frappe.

After that, we went to Gramedia. Here, I looked for the newest Reader’s Digest but found none, as replacement, I bought my first English version of National Geographic magazine. Actually, my uncle have subscribed to National Geographic since 1980s but at 2010 he cancelled the subscription. At 2006-2007, he also subscribed National Geographic Indonesia for me, at first it was very interesting, but eventually, I got no time to read it.

Got home at 5 and went directly to Malibu’s home. Arrived at 6, we still went swimming. We had dinner at 7, and I went online after that.

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