Sun Plaza

Week 3, Semester 2

2 February 2014

Varying between normal life at NTU and laziness at hometown, this week is filled with holiday mood as Chinese New Year is on 31 January (Friday). I went back to Medan from 30 January (morning) till 2 February (morning) which I spent on being together with my friends and families. …

Hometown (3)

5 January 2013

This is my last week on my hometown before going back to Singapore.

On Monday, Golfin visited me. We chatted for a long time that day sharing each other stories about life as a university student in different places. He also passed me the TOKI shirt which was used by the judges at OSN 2013. After he left, I went to experiment around making animation in the connect-four game.

On Tuesday, which was new year’s eve, I implemented a minimax agent for the connect-four game as an AI, before this, the AI was just a random agent. After that, I wrote about the 2013 in review. Then finally to celebrate new year, I watched a Christmas movie titled “Arthur Christmas”. It was an animation movie from Aardman Animations, the studio which produces Shaun the Sheep. The movie was nicely done.

On Wednesday, I updated the connect-four game’s evaluation function a little bit to make it avoid losing and aim for winning. (but still not perfect as in some instances it will not go for straightly winning the game). By the way, the game is playable at This day I came across some good old games titled “Rise of Nations”. This game as well as the comic book titled “The Life and Times of Scrooge McDuck” (in Indonesian, 500 page, haha) killed some times. I spent the rest of time catching up the lectures for coursera.

Thursday and Friday is spent for implementing Server-Sent Events to Raun and to watch lectures on coursera. By the way, I finished 2 week lectures and quizzes on this week as next week I will be joining a camp and can’t do anything else.

On Saturday, I and my friends went out to Sun Plaza to meet up each other. It was a long times since the last time I meet Edward, Leonard, and Roselyn. Although we spent most our times just chatting, overall it was fun like the previous ones. On this day too, my father and mother (and also my uncle) got defrauded by a person who hacked my brother’s Facebook account.

On Sunday, after doing chanting for my grandfather, I and my family went to Carrefour to buy my milk stock. We had lunch at Pizza Hut and dinner at Waringin Seafood.

Next week on Monday I will have returned back to Singapore. Hope that the NTUBS Dhamma Camp 2014 will be fun.

Busy week

10 July 2013

This half-week has been a busy week.

On Monday, I did coding (almost) full-time, from morning till night. The results? My LM2 project is almost as functional as the first LM project. I haven’t implemented “Forgot password”, “Edit password”, “news”-things, “comments/discussions via Disqus”, “manage user”, and “delete/ban user” features. Looks like quite a lot, but I will try to finish them by 20 July. Go! Go! Go!

My progress on Kingdom Hearts 2 FM+ has been slow down by the increasing LM2 coding spirit. Now, I have completed Agrabah and will revisit Halloween/Christmas Town.

This week too I have encounter wmflabs and got an idea to host my POTD selection tool there. It was complicated: not just upload things like normal web hosting services. Instead, it was connect to their server via shell (which was another program on my Windows machine, called putty and winscp). I got help from a guy working at WMF because I contacted him via email about my problem. The problem was just recently resolved because I reached out WikimediaLabs IRC channel and a guy called “Petrb” helped me figure out what is the problem. Now it was all up and running at

Today, I went out to hang out with my friends (Leonard, Golfin, Edward, Lenny, Roselyn, Vicky and Jessica) at Sun Plaza. It may be our last time hanging out together, maybe the next ones will be called reunion.

On entertainment, I have re-watched Detective Conan Movie 6: The Phantom of Baker Streets, which have a good story but quite bad at the clarity of the images, maybe because it was produced long time ago.

Overall, this half-week was very fun.

UAS and Aftermath

23 March 2013

The last exam of my school was held from last week’s Wednesday until this week’s Thursday. I’m not feeling that this exam is very important any more. Whatever the result is, I do not care any more.

After UAS, on 22nd, I and my friends went out to Nelayan Shanghai Kitchen at Sun Plaza to celebrate Leonard’s 18th birthday which falls on 20 March. The food overall was good with a reasonable price.

Today, I held a mini-programming contest for those who are or used to be a member of Sutomo 1 Programming Club. It was exciting! The purpose is just one: to introduce the programming contest environment to the juniors, which I observe that they didn’t know any contest at all. On the other hand, the seniors, who usually play games in the club, now serious on solving these problems and helping the juniors. Well, Teddy, my senior who now studied in Binus University, suggested that the contest is held every week so there were things to do.

Next week, I plan to give the selected ones a simulation test of OSK 2013. I hope it will go well. Also, for the long-term hope, I hope that Programming Club will be better than ever. :)

5 January 2013

5 January 2013

My day was started on 8:20. After cleaning myself, I got a missed-call from Leonard, so I called back, it was his problem: mistook a subject which require chemistry on entrance exam, well, I answered well what he asked. I had my breakfast on 9.30 and my shower on 10. Golfin came around 10.35 and we went to Sun Plaza after picking up Leonard.

We were the first to come. Eventually, the others showed up one by one as we walked around the plaza: Lenny, Edward, Vicky, Roselyn.

We took our lunch at Sushi-tei. We ordered many variety of Japanese foods. For us, the soba (the cold noodle) was the worst one: it was tasteless.

After lunch, we went to Amazone. There we played many games, like air-hockey, and weight-pulling (this one we got high-score as we combined the power of 8 people, haha). Last but not least, we took photos at the photo-box provided by them.

We went around to look for a cafe to have drinks, and at last we decided to go to J.Co. There I left them a while to buy Coldplay’s newest live album titled “Live 2012”. For my drink, I had Chocholate Frappe.

After that, we went to Gramedia. Here, I looked for the newest Reader’s Digest but found none, as replacement, I bought my first English version of National Geographic magazine. Actually, my uncle have subscribed to National Geographic since 1980s but at 2010 he cancelled the subscription. At 2006-2007, he also subscribed National Geographic Indonesia for me, at first it was very interesting, but eventually, I got no time to read it.

Got home at 5 and went directly to Malibu’s home. Arrived at 6, we still went swimming. We had dinner at 7, and I went online after that.