The Tale of Night Cycling

5 March 2016

So, it was one of NTUBS Fellowship team’s initiative to do a night cycling starting on the night of 4 March 2016 till early morning of 5 March 2016. Nice experience, but cycling aside, I think that it gave us opportunity to see what Singapore at midnight looks like. …

Wikimedia Indonesia’s Pywikibot & Wikidata training

28 February 2016

On one fine day in January 2016, I was e-mailed by Siska Doviana, Wikimedia Indonesia’s Chairperson, an invitation to attend a workshop about Pywikibot and Wikidata on early March, in which the trip will be paid for by them. Initially I declined as the session date clashed with one of a planned NTUBS activity, but then there was an update that the workshop was shifted to 27 February, and it was great since it is the beginning of my recess week but I can’t stay there for long as there was NTUBS activity before (Dharma class) and after (meditation retreat) the workshop, and so I told them: I can only be there on Saturday morning and need to leave on Sunday. …

Coldplay at Super Bowl 50 Halftime Show

Such a short performance (~13 minutes), and yet ~4 minutes are “stolen” by Beyonce & Bruno Mars. Initially, I don’t really like it when they cut short the songs and skipping here & there. But after the show was given back to Coldplay in the end, I really love it, starting at around minute 10 they performed Clocks which transitioned into Fix You, and while on Fix You’s riff, they sang Up&Up chorus. This was really amazing. And it all ended with a grand “just believe in love”. :o :o :o

January 2016

30 January 2016

It’s the end of January and I haven’t posted anything -_-

Last time when I had time to write something, my website was down for few days due to misconfiguration. …