
Week 9, Semester 4: Time Flies!

25 March 2015

Time flies so fast and it was week 9 already.

I didn’t know why but I am always busy during the weekends, and resting times were “bought” by skipping morning classes (especially Software Engineering classes) although I am determined to not skipping classes since I find it hard to have time in watching the recordings.

Week 1, Semester 4: The beginning, again.

19 January 2015

Another week 1 has passed. It is quite eventful, tiring, and yet time has passed just like that.

My semester started with lots hours of lectures on Monday and worst of all, they are spaced out throughout the day, i.e. lots of 1-hour space of doing nothing between the lectures. It started with CZ3001 Advanced Computer Architecture which was slow-paced, after a 3-hour of nothing-to-do, I went for CZ2007 Introduction to Database which was interesting enough, and another hour of nothing-to-do, then CM8003 From Alchemy to Chemistry, which was quite boring as we were told to listen to stories of how Chemistry started. After another hour of break, I had CZ3005 Artificial Intelligence lecture which was super slow-paced (wonder how 11 slides of minimum content and lots of pictures are dragged to 1-hour lecture). After all those lectures, I went to Canteen 17 for a dinner and then meeting with BAW team C discussing our progress and doing the prototype for the souvenirs.

The next day started with CZ2006 Software Engineering which was not that interesting. and that’s all the classes for the day! After this I went to update my passport number at OSSAC since I’ve been reminded a lot of times by ICA officials when I passed through the immigration counter at Changi airport since I renewed my passport at September 2014 (and I’ve travelled overseas like 3 times already: KL, Bangkok, and Medan). I then have lunch at Canteen B and tried out llaollao’s frozen yogurt (which was quite expensive) before I went back to my room. At my room, I revised my part on BAW team C, starting to do my solution for CEC PYP solution, and enquiring through email about the whereabouts of my packet which was delivered from US by USPS and through the tracking number, it was said to be delivered to my hall although the hall officers said that they no longer accept it on behalf of student; they asked me to check with Bumbox; Bumbox replied me to check again with hall officers or Singpost; Singpost said that they have delivered it; and finally, the hall officers check through again and found out that my packet has been put wrongly at someone else’s mailbox. Phew, finally I got my “Don’t Track Us” T-Shirt, which was a complimentary gift from DuckDuckGo affiliation program. (but the shipment was not free) Later at night, I went to hall 9 to celebrate Grace’s birthday.

Wednesday, I went to 2 Microsoft-affiliated places at a day. Firstly, I went to Microsoft Operations (Microsoft Singapore Office) at Raffles Place to collect my prize (Office 365 Home Subscription for 1 year) which I won from the #GetItDone contest, which was posted on their Facebook page. Well, this was my 2nd time winning a prize from Microsoft. (first one is the Surface Type Cover 2) The office is located at 22nd floor and when I used the lift, it was so fast and at a point I felt some dizziness. After I collected the prize, I went to Lavender at a mall called Aperia (which apparently is not in maps yet), and to Microsoft Devices Care Centre to get my speaker charger repaired. The centre was uncrowded at all and the “new furniture” smell was still there. After that, I went back to NTU, having lunch at KFC JP and went back to my hall, declaring my aircon and then went to CZ0002 Green Computing lecture which was boring and tiring. After that, I had dinner and then went to BU8401 Management Decision Tools seminar which was super interesting. This was my third Business module in NTU and all of them were very interesting. Reflecting back, once I was so clung to the idea that I will get admitted to NUS and be better off there, but if I was there, I will not have the opportunity to get lectured by those very good lecturers of NBS. Although most of SCE lectures were boring, at least I felt like there were so many projects to do and I think that this promotes self-learning instead of relying heavily on the lectures. And best of all, the lecture recording feature in case we missed the lecture unintentionally or intentionally. :) Nevertheless, after the seminar finished, I went back and stumbled upon “Student Starcraft AI Tournament” which was quite interesting seeing that AIs controlling an old game fighting each other. It was later at midnight that I submitted my side project “c4 – Connect Four, with AI” to Hacker News and it gained some popularity, peaked at #2 for Show HN category and #6 at its Front Page (I track the ranking until I went to sleep around 1am). Their responses are generally positive, and from GitHub’s traffic, they actually went to the repo and open up the main JavaScript file (maybe reading how is the AI is build).

On Thursday, it’s a lot of lectures since 1030. I started another side-project which was a JavaScript application in answering quizzes in “Who Wants to Be a Millionaire” style. The lectures have now started to talk about the real stuffs and not the admin stuffs: CZ2006 was quite abstract. I feel like what I learned from the MOOC CS169.1x Software as a Service offered by BerkeleyX on edx is better, although I did not complete the course, I feel like their first few lectures are talking mainly on Software Engineering and it’s interesting, as opposed to what this NTU course offered. CZ2007 also started talking about serious stuffs on database management system. CZ3005 is so boring and lengthy although the content is very few. Again, I felt what I learned from the MOOC CS188.1x Artificial Intelligence offered by BerkeleyX on edx is better and far more interesting (at least on the first few lectures). Now, the 2-hour lecture of CM8003 was quite okay: listening to lecturer telling story of history. After lecture, I rushed to NYH to meet Thiri who was just returning some stuffs to the cabinet. And then went to Hall 10 to join the anniversary night preparation (I was unexpected) for a while before having dinner at Canteen 11, collected projector from Evando (this was my real purpose going here), and went back to NYH to store the projector. Whew, I was really tired. I went back to my hall to take my laptop and then went to do part-time job (CITS) at SSLP until midnight.

On Friday, I continued developing my side-project and went for CZ3001 lecture in the afternoon. After that, I went back and rested for a while before going to NYH to prepare for NTUBS Dharma Class. After we prepared the class we went for dinner at Canteen B in which we were almost late for the class. The class talked about the Three Poison and I find it not that interesting as the venerable talked quite short and opened for longer question and answer. (and there were some technical issues with the microphone) After that, we went back to NYH storing the stuffs and I went back to my hall, resting for very short time before going for Jessica’s birthday.

On Saturday, I went for Buddhist Fellowship Youth’s Meditation Retreat conducted by Bhante Buddharakkhita. Well, I was really sleepy on this day and eventually I think that I slept through when we’re doing sitting meditation. I found out that walking meditation was quite nice since it was an active one and we can’t fell asleep. The program started at 10am and ended at 5pm but not all were for meditation. The meditation session was just around 1030-1200 and 1330-1500. The rest was resting time, lunch time, or a talk from bhante. Going back, I feel more energized since maybe I feel asleep during the meditation, and then I did some CodeHunt, answered some questions at ask.fm, and the rest of the time were just spent like that.

On Sunday, it was like competitive programming weekend where a lot of contest were held around this weekend. I spent the day for Facebook Hacker Cup Round 1 in which I only did some real coding in the afternoon but were unsure in some of my solutions. At 4 pm, I went to Dharma Camp 2015 debrief at Hall 12, giving feedback on how it can be better next year. After dinner at Canteen 14, I went to NYH, returning back some items that were borrowed long time ago. Going back to my hall, I started to stumble upon problems at Indonesian Wikipedia. Starting from the introduction of a new Copyright Law by Indonesian Government last year that have effects on many of the guidelines of our Indonesian Wikipedia. Also, there were new features being tested on the wiki and can’t be run with legacy JavaScript which are present on almost all of the scripts that are currently running at the wiki. I need to fix them, all of them. And just like that, my time has been consumed.

It was a long week but not that tiring, maybe it was just the start. Hope that I can survive this semester :)


Holiday (1)

19 May 2014

Well, after a long streak of posting a blog post every Sunday, it was broken as I watched movie yesterday instead of writing this. Last week was the first official vacation term of NTU Students. It was quite an eventful one. …

Exam Week (1)

4 May 2014

May the Fourth be with you! (May the Force be with you!) Happy Star Wars day! This week I had 3 exams where the first one was held on Monday; and the other two were held on Wednesday. And like the previous week: I spent most of my time inside my room, “studying” (study, and then get distracted by other things, and then back to study again).

On Monday evening, I had exam on BU8201 Business Finance, which hopefully, I did well. Although my dinner after the exam turned out to be quite bad: I had this “Thunder Tea Rice” at Canteen 1, which tastes very weird. Whereas on Wednesday afternoon, I had exam on CZ1007, Data Structure, which I thought I did well too although it used up almost all of my brain juice. And then I had 2 hours of free time before the next exam, I did not bring my notes so I can’t revise. I just somehow killed time until the next exam on EE8087 Living with Mathematics, which turned out to be satisfactory. Yes, I hope I get that grade (Satisfactory) because I S/U-ed it. This was because, although I was able to answer all of the questions, I did not sure of my correctness and because of the group project which took a large portion of the grading (50%), which I think our group did not do well compared to other groups. After this exam, it was the end of the exam, for that week; and lesson learned: taking 2 exams on the same day will make you very tired.

On Tuesday afternoon, I had to work to cover my friend’s time slot at One Stop @ SAC, which was okay for me, I can work while studying; although most of the time the work-study was interrupted by those asking “where to submit MC” and “how to submit MC”. Hey, this is IT Support Helpdesk, and how do we know such thing?

On Friday afternoon, I worked again at my normal time slot at LWN Library. Although I planned to study during the work, I can’t. Just can’t. I somehow too lazy to study there and decided to play games and read articles. Maybe because my next exam was still quite far (in reality, no).

On Saturday, I had my routine of breakfast-laundry-room cleaning routine done again. That morning, I started and finished the final assignment of Buddhism and Modern Psychology course on Coursera. Well, after lunch, I found some “productivity” tool and I think it was quite effective in boosting up my willingness to study and not getting distracted. Quickly done, at the evening, I started the course CS169.1x Software as a Service on edx, offered by UC Berkeley, which last year I’ve attempted but failed because I stopped in the middle of the course.

I will had my 5th exam tomorrow on CM8001 Impact of Chemistry on Society, which is a Pass-Fail module now. And followed up by CZ0001 Engineers and Society on Wednesday (which I think will be the heaviest, yet hardest, subject of this exam) and CZ1008 Engineering Mathematics on Thursday. Hope that I can do well on those exams! :)