CNS 2014

3 August 2014

CNS 2014 was a FOC from NTU Buddhist Society. Titled “This Is It!”, the camp features The Four Noble Truths as its theme. Held on 29 July to 1 August, this camp is one of the most tiring and memorable camp I’ve ever joined. The camp itself was so big that the preparation itself took around 6 months and we need a goods van only to transport the stuffs to and from different venues. Besides that, I’ve always amazed when someone explains the Four Noble Truths and goes on to the twelve links of Dependent Origination. …

Holiday (2)

25 May 2014

This week was much eventful and pretty packed. The week started with boot camp, continued with preparation for Awaken Challenge trial quiz, and ended with a NTUBS “secret” project meeting. …

Week 12, Semester 2

13 April 2014

This week was filled with a lot of playing games and doing nothing related to academic things. The last exam welfare package were given this week and I had 3 NTUBS photoshoot session in 2 days at the end of the week. …

Week 8, Semester 2

16 March 2014

This week was a not-so-relaxing-yet-not-that-busy week, packed with 3 quizzes, and some interesting events such as “Celebrate NTU” and “Dharma Circle”. Near end of week, I was offered a project. And at the end of the week, I got a free distribution book which got autographed by its author :) …

“Recess week”, Semester 2

9 March 2014

Although this week was supposed to be a recess week for everyone in NTU, I felt this recess week is not that relaxing compared to the previous semester’s recess week. This week, my spending on recess week can be said very high as many times I went out of NTU and had lunch or dinner there before going back. …