2012 in review

2012 has been a nice year, many things have happened, good and bad. The most significant I think was: this blog was updated more often than ever, haha. The following is what have happened to me in 2012:

  • January: it was the month where Paradise became the Official #1 Singles in the New Year Chart, also it was announced that I got the 1st rank in my class. Besides that, the TWoS 1-beta was held, and there was Chinese New Year.
  • February: hmmm, nothing very significant occurred in this month
  • March: this month, I’ve upgraded my laptop to Windows 7 (after 2 times failed attempt at 2010)! We celebrated Leonard’s birthday. JOINTS programming contest was held this month too. I got an interesting dream too.
  • April: OSK was held! We also have done another drama.
  • May: Got news that I passed the OSK, yay! Vesak was on this month too.
  • June: This was a very busy month: besides P2S1 and TWoS, I also joined OSP. I also graduated from Rainbow School.
  • July: The start of new term of school. I’ve been travelling to Singapore to attend my brother’s commencement. (day 1,2,3,4,5,and 6). I got the news that I’ve passed OSP and would join OSN at Jakarta, at last!
  • August: This month, PJJ was held, I’ve been preparing myself very much facing OSN.
  • September: OSN this month! (day 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6) Besides that, I’ve also got BNPCHS. [unable to post those yet, sorry]
  • October: Another TWoS, and my birthday! I departed to Bandung to attend Pelatnas 1 TOKI 2013.
  • November: Three fourth of this month has been spent on Pelatnas 1 TOKI 2013. [unable to post my story there yet, sorry]
  • December: Focusing on NTU/NUS Entrance Exam, and on web-developing: published a website for my class, ANT.

End of year 2012, Happy new year 2013. Thank you for following my blog for a year, hope you’ll enjoy it next year.

Upadte (5 January 2013): Interesting fact of this post: this is the post which includes the most links to other posts in my blog so far (there were 25, haha)

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