27 October 2013

Here comes week 10, the pre-climax of this semester, which was busy but not that stressful.

On Monday evening, I attended Buddhism Awareness Week 2014 recruitment drive. Unexpectedly, I was interviewed for an hour. After that, we went to Ekariandi’s room to celebrate his birthday.

On Tuesday, the HW0110 Effective Communication held its last physical lecture as the subsequent weeks, they will just post video lectures. This day, I rushed up to finish my CZ1005 lab 3 report.

On Wednesday, I gave up my part-time slot for others to cover as I have to queue up for Tuition Grant Agreement signing. In the evening, I got a duty slot at SCE Lounge from 6-8 pm. There I met Chen Zhe, a double-degree freshmen from Corporate Liaison Officer portfolio.

On Thursday, in the Effective Communication tutorial, we were first to practice a one-minute speech with the topics given from the tutors. Then, we drew number for the order in which we will give speech on the subsequent tutorial classes.

On Friday, CZ1004 Great Ideas in Computing had it last lecture. Then, CZ1005 Digital Logic laboratory 4 was quite fun but at some part, were quite confusing. In the end, we were to create double-digit display using Verilog statements. In the afternoon class, the presentation for CZ1004 started, there were 2 groups presenting, the first one is on Instant Messaging, the latter one is on Data Centers. At the evening, I attended NTUBS Dhamma Circle I, which I along with Kai-yan become the MC for the event. The event is basically watching the movie “A Beautiful Mind” together, then sharing about lessons gained from the movie, after that followed by a small birthday celebration for those with birthday on September and October. After moving back stuffs to Nanyang House, I went to Ivan’s room to do the poster for Dhamma Camp 2014. It was considered finish at around 1 am. I had never been wake up until this late though. I quickly went back to my room and sleep.

On Saturday morning, I did laundry and assignments. In the afternoon, I revised HE9091 Principle of Economics together with Peter and Alwyn. The revision goes slow as we like to switch out of topic. At 6, we just finished covering Lecture 4, and decided to revise on our own. In the night, I started to do the cheat sheet for CZ1001 Discrete Mathematics test. For the test, we were allowed to bring a cheat sheet which defined as one A4-sized paper, may be written anything, on both sides, and in any font-size. In the end, for the first half of the lectures, I used up less than one side because of my font size which was very small.

On Sunday, I continued doing assignments and projects while re-doing HE9091 tutorials. In the afternoon, I relaxed a bit by watching Toy Story 3 and then took a short nap. In the night, I continue doing CZ1002 Introduction to Computing System project which may be considered done by now.

This week, although it may seem that I did not have much activities, it was because I got quite many assignments and projects to do. Next week will be the climax as there are 3 quizzes, 2 assignment deadlines, 1 speech, and 1 presentation. Next week is going to be a tough one, wish me luck and fun.

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