Week 4, Semester 2

9 February 2014

This week was boring in the beginning but got more and more tiring towards the end of the week.

On Monday, it is a holiday in NTU for Chinese New Year replacement holiday. I took the opportunity to do laundry and do this week’s tutorials. At the midnight, we celebrated Riko’s birthday.

On Tuesday, nothing special occurred. I somehow have a lot of free time to continue playing Pokemon Emerald. The progress was just until Fortree City Gym which I haven’t won fighting the Gym Leader.

On Wednesday, there was the first “quiz” of CM8001 Impact of Chemistry on Society. The “quiz” was a clicker session, consisting of 10 MCQs. The questions were unexpectedly tricky, but we were not restricted to not search the answers on the lecture notes 3:) . On the night, I went to a meeting for CNS 2014 Support Team, which consists of me as Logistic Manager, Tze Hui as Welfare Manager, and HH as Vice Camp Master (Support). The meeting was a short one.

On Thursday afternoon (1230-1330), we had a make-up tutorial on CZ1006 Computer Organisation and Architecture. The tutorial went slow but nicely done. After the lectures of CZ1007 and CZ1006, the lecture of EE8087 Living with Mathematics lasts for 2 hours instead of the normal 1 hour because of the lecturer conducted a make-up lecture at that time. After the lectures, I had a dinner and then stroll to North Spine to wait for the confirmation of the CNS 2014 General Meeting venue. Around Nanyang Auditorium, I met Liniki and Josephine who are going to “chop” a TR for the GM venue. I then joined them to the venue. The meeting itself started at 8 pm. After introducing the committees and the job scopes of each portfolios, we discussed about the camp theme and title, which took a long time. The meeting ended at 11pm.

On Friday, there was the first tutorial of CZ1008 Engineering Mathematics. The tutorial was too slow-paced, and the tutor said that on the next tutorial he will make the pace faster. After the tiring work at CITS counter at LWN Library, which PC checking took around 1 hour. Luckily, I still got time to finish 2 tutorial questions. After dinner, I went to TR+30 to attend my first session at NTU Open Source Society. Yay! At last I’m here. The event was about demonstration of the robot Nao taking inputs from Kinect. It was not crowded, but there I met Chee Yong, a year 2 Computer Science student I met from HTML5 Bootcamp last December. I think that when NTUBS started the events on Fridays, I can’t join them anymore.

On Saturday, most of the times was done for planning CNS 2014 Logistic things and for coding UOC14 website, which I re-used my project of CZ1002 as I think that it was my best project in terms of project files management. Then at the evening I went to PINTU’s Indodinner. It consisted of booth games, lucky draw, dinner, and stage performances and games.

On Sunday afternoon, I went to NTUBS Buddhism Awareness Week Volunteer Workshop for the second time. This time it was held at Hall 14 Block 66 TV Lounge. The contents here was more detailed than the first one. One of the most interesting part was the calligraphy meditation part. If you are not mindful enough, the character that you’re going to write will look very bad. Next, I joined a “secret” meeting led by Benny at Diego and Andy’s room (at Hall 13, which was just nearby). Lastly, we then went back to the Block 66 TV Lounge to have a Steamboat Session which in the middle of the steamboat we also celebrated Benny’s birthday.

Next week will surely be a more tiring one as I will be joining Buddhism Awareness Week as volunteer; and then there were 2 NTUBS events. Besides that, next week every course’s classes have been started (lectures, tutorials, and labs).

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