Week 9, Semester 2

23 March 2014

This week is filled up with many activities, most of the day I went back late at night, and it was tiring. I’ve started to have less than 8 hour sleep, which turned out not so good for me.

On Monday, the lab session of CZ1007 (Data Structure) was a challenging one. I managed to finish the lab before the next class starts. Next after lecture of CZ1007, CZ1006 (Computer Organisation and Architecture), and CZ0001 (Engineers and Society), I had a group meeting on EE8087 (Living with Mathematics), discussing the slides of our presentation next week. After a dinner, I went to Dashsell office at NTU Innovation Centre. This day, Aru & Jun Yi (the co-founders of Dashsell), helped me setting up the environment needed for the work in my laptop. Next they briefed me on what are the things inside the environment, and then on what should I do. This set up and briefing took around 2 hours, and was tiring. After everything was set, I started to code! The coding itself did not took long before I went back.

#100happydays Day 36: Relaxing at NTU Innovation Centre before doing work.
#100happydays Day 36: Relaxing at NTU Innovation Centre before doing work.

On Tuesday, my day started with CZ1008 (Engineering Mathematics) lecture at 1130, continued with CZ0001 “mass tutorial”. Then the lab of CZ1008 played with SCILAB software to show how linear regression works. The lecture of BU8201 (Business Finance) was quick, with the lecturer shared his experience and advice in teamwork. After that, I went to Dashsell office again to continue my work. Quickly, I’ve done half of my part. But it took long time for testing because the server need to be restarted every time the files were changed. This night I went off early as I need to go to Giant before going back.

#100happydays Day 37: Got first award on Facebook Translations.
#100happydays Day 37: Got first award on Facebook Translations.

On Wednesday, I just realized that I haven’t done my tutorials. Arrived early in the TR (for CZ1007 tutorial), I just knew that the tutorial was just for discussing lab questions. And after CZ1006 tutorial and a quick-lunch, I went to LWN Library to finish my tutorials (especially BU8201 tutorial, which will tutorial was on that day). Then I went for CM8001 (Impact of Chemistry on Society) lecture, which was quite fun. The lecturer besides discussing the topic in acid rain, also gives us some jokes and shared his experience of chemistry in his daily life. The lecture finished early and I went to Canteen B to have some hot snacks because the lecture theater was a cold one. The tutorial on BU8201 was normal, and after that I went straight to Ivan’s room, helping to move stuffs to TR99, which NTUBS held a meditation class. The meditation class, led by Venerable Phra Chun Kiang, covers Samatha, Vipassana, and then walking meditation.

#100happydays Day 38: Hot snacks after a cold lecture.  — at Canteen B @NTU.
#100happydays Day 38: Hot snacks after a cold lecture. — at Canteen B @NTU.

On Thursday, I did some revision on EE8087 slides, also on “NTUBS secret project”, before going to SAC, helping Liniki and Grace on their CZ1007 assignment, which was due on the next day. It took them until around 6pm before they finish the assignment, where I left them for 2 hours to attend CZ1007 and CZ1006 lectures (although I did not understand most of CZ1006 lecture). And then I went to Dashsell office again. This time, quickly I finished my coding work! Most of the times after that were spent on testing and debugging. The work on testing hasn’t been completely done, which means I need to come down to their office again (hopefully next Monday will be the last one on this project).

#100happydays Day 39: Happiness is to help others on assignment.
#100happydays Day 39: Happiness is to help others on assignment.

On Friday, I started the day with CZ1008 tutorial and lecture. After a quick-lunch, I worked part-time as CITS-SA at LWNL. This day was quite tiring at work and less free time. After finish work, I had some “discussion” first before going to meditation class, which the venerable conduct another meditation session in the same method (except there is no walking meditation).

#100happydays Day 40: New UX finally arrives in Mozilla Firefox beta
#100happydays Day 40: New UX finally arrives in Mozilla Firefox beta

On Saturday, after doing my routine in breakfast-laundry-room cleaning, I watched the lecture on a newly started MOOC, titled “Buddhism and Modern Psychology” on Coursera. After lunch, I started to do practice questions for CZ1007 and then reviewed the lecture on CZ1006, which were clear after I skimmed the lecture recording. After a short nap, I came across an idea of doing my Windows lock screen in HTML and CSS. After some hours, it was done (although it was not perfectly the same). View the project on GitHub. After that I struggled with BU8201 tutorial and then on EE8087 slides. Whew, there are a lot of things done on this day.

#100happydays Day 41: Recreated Windows lock screen in HTML, CSS (and JS). See it here: http://rawgithub.com/kenrick95/Lockscreen/master/index.html
#100happydays Day 41: Recreated Windows lock screen in HTML, CSS (and JS).
See it here: http://rawgithub.com/kenrick95/Lockscreen/master/index.html

On Sunday, I continued on preparing EE8087 slides. After that in the afternoon, I went to Giant to buy some apples, and when I’m in my way back, I checked my mailbox and found out that I’ve given a voting paper to vote in 2014 Indonesian legislative election by post. I spent some hours to check the candidates (because for those who votes outside Indonesia will vote for the voting area DKI Jakarta II), and I found out a candidate who ever studied in NTU, Yoga Dirga Cahya, hmmm after watching some minutes of the debate between him and 2 other candidates, I think he was quite good, but I should research on more people before deciding who to vote.

#100happydays Day 42: My voting paper has arrived! #Pemilu2014
#100happydays Day 42: My voting paper has arrived! #Pemilu2014

This week has been quite tiring one. Next week, I’ll be busy at the start of the week and then lot of free time towards the end of the week. I hope that I can sleep on a healthier schedule and still enjoy the workload.

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