
Yeah it’s true that 8+8=16, and I’m 16 on the eight day of the eight month. It’s October8 ! (October literally means the 8th month). I still remember the moment of that day, from early in the morning until late at night.

In the morning, as usual, I wake up at 6:11 a.m. (woken up by alarm clock). Before I ate the breakfast, my family celebrate a very tiny party: my mom prepares the cake, set up the candles, and then I blow them. In the class, my classmates sings “Happy birthday” song to me. In the mandarin lesson, which the teacher is absent, Roselyn dance and sing “happy birthday” song for me. (because she loses a bet)

This day, my group will rehearse and discuss a more technical things about the drama. I skipped the first session of Programming Club, which Mr. Arta, an ex-programming-club-teacher, came back to teach the Programming Club and gave me a Chocolate bar for my birthday. This is the first time to receive a present from a non-family (he is a non-family, but we share the same family name) which age is older than mine.

I thought we would rehearse in XI IS-01, but we were not permitted by the janitor, which told us to get home that time (I think this is because the janitor think that we actually are from XI IS-01). So we move to the other class, XII IA-08, but the class condition is terrible, the floor is dirty, slippery, etc. At last we move to our ex-class, X-03! When I first connect the projector cable to my laptop, my laptop crashed! I restarted it and the reconnect the projector to it. Wow. . . This is the first time my laptop connected to an external display. Then we discuss about the technical things like where we would stand in the dialogue, or from where we should came into the stage.

We do that until the other janitor came in and ask us not to stay for too long as she wants to clean the classroom. After some time we separate there. I and Golfin went back to join the second session of the Programming Club while the others went home.

In the Programming Club, I was forced to share the chocolate bar with the member of the club. Then I find something else to do. Well, as usual, I forced Theddy to solve a problem in TOKI Learning Center.

At 3:45pm I went home. As usual I went to the other house and go swimming despite of the rainy weather.

I and my family went to “Waringin Seafood” for dinner. We ate fish (of course), squid, tofu; and drank coconut water.

At 9, finally I got home. My mother were using my laptop for the Farmville first while I was doing my homework. When she finished, I use my laptop for listening to music while doing homework.

I got many greetings from social networking sites. I got them from Facebook, Twitter, and Wikipedia. Mostly I got them from Facebook. Emails didn’t count as the greetings are sent automatically from a server.

At 11, I went to sleep while charging my laptop’s batteries.

That’s the detailed journal of my life on October 8, 2011. Have a nice day.

P.S. The first song that I sang (in my head) in the morning is Coldplay- Every Teardrop Is a Waterfall

A Rush of Problems to My Head

As the title reads, this week, most of the problems are come in and then solved. This week main problems are:

  1. lots of homework (especially from tuition)
  2. the drama: we have practice it more and more seriously than before. 4 other groups have performed this week, next week, it must be my group turn.
    • The first group theme was a critic and comedy on Sherlock Holmes which was not so good because the actor/actress speaks not clearly
    • The second group acted too funny, their theme was “Spartan v.s. 3 idiots”. The story was when 3 Spartans met 3 idiots and they fought; Spartans won and at last they sang and danced together.
    • The third group acted funny, but not too good because in some scene, the spoke softly. It was about 2 naughty students turned into hardworking student. This drama critics some of the teachers of our school.
    • The fourth group was about a non-magician student get into for magician only school and at last she (actually she is a man) get her love with the one who she loved. Not so good because the ending was too short. The ending was when the one who she loved fall down and she caught her. And then the end.

    I’m afraid that our drama isn’t as good as theirs because I think we are the only group which theme was sad while the others are comedy.

  3. presentation at English tuition (get it on Monday; finished on Wednesday)
  4. lots of question from classmates (especially on Maths, Physics, and Chemistry: I somewhat dislike this because I’m too lazy to explain it over and over again on the same question for different friends)
  5. caught a flu: ahh, it got worsen tonight.


Parachutes and Schematics

Last week is Parachutes week. That week my problems (including assignments and homeworks) are accumulating and this week, one by one problem is solved.

Last Sunday (2 October 2011), from 10:00-14:00, there was a programming contest called “National Programming Contest” in the “Schematics 2011” event which was held online. This time, the contestant were in groups that consist of maximum 2 people. My group, called “ndmCPmts”, consists of me and Golfin. The other group from the same school called “stmPCmdn”, consists of Peter and Willy. Willy couldn’t online that time so only Peter participated in the contest. We communicate in the contest using Windows Live Messenger. (actually in the real contest, we may not do this, but because that is not in the regulation, so we do it) I was very happy, because from 8 problems, I solved 5 of them (1 of them was helped by Peter; but I helped Peter the other 4!). In the end, my group solved 7 of them! (of course Peter’s group also solved 7 out of 8).

Last week, we discussed and debated the script for the drama. We also practiced it almost daily although almost all of us are not serious. I hope that my laptop can connect the display to the projector for some of the text can only be communicated to the audience through the screen. Well, I have managed to make a Shockwave Flash (swf) program to control the display, the music and the sound effect.

I think last week is semi-Parachutes week because only about 50% of the week I listen to songs from Parachutes. The rest are mostly the single Paradise and Every Teardrop Is a Waterfall for the upcoming album Mylo Xyloto.


Some little tool called ‘time’

Time is a tool for showing current time. The main codes for showing the time are modified from those at w3schools.com. The page refreshes every time the minute clock shows multiple of 10. (Roughly every 10 minutes) I love to use this tool because the font size is as big as my monitor. This is a tool for me to keep watching the time while I am doing my homework. The idea for this tool comes out when I just begin to do my mathematics homework. Because of this, the homework was delayed but hopefully I have finished that homework yesterday. Actually it doesn’t really a big invention but I think it’s worth trying to publish something tiny.

VLV (2) week

This week is called Viva la Vida week.

Monday, English tuition test.

Tuesday, boring.

Wednesday, depressed because wrong-answered many question in English test and Computer test. This day also I do news reading at English tuition.

Thursday, still depressed because things that happened in Wednesday. Our teacher ask us to plan and then perform a less-than-20-minute drama. From today, our group plan the drama.

Friday, Chemistry lab session: finished too early despite last time my group experiment not yet finished.

Saturday, “the return of Willy”. I successfully persuaded Willy to get back to Programming Club. Learn something new from him: knapsack algorithm.

Sunday, the drama script finished! Last night, I also done some basic presentation-and-animation control in Flash for our drama. Our plan is also to utilize the projector that is available in our class.

They are turning my head out
To see what I’m all about
Keeping my head down
To see what it feels like now
And I have no doubt
One day the sun will come out

X&Y week

12-18 September was the X&Y week which I play most songs from the album “X&Y” by Coldplay.

12 September, Coldplay release it’s second single from their fifth album, it is titled “Paradise”, which didn’t eligible to chart on UK Singles Chart. In my opinion, if the release it in way that it could be charted on UK Singles Chart, it will be on Top 3 because Greg James from BBC Radio 1 make it his Record of the Week. The Chris Moyles Show got its first radio play.

Because of Open OSN, I skipped many lessons (including the important ones like Maths; and the one that our class hate: Chemistry (not the subject, but the teacher)). Hopefully when I have finished Open OSN, I still got time before go home. I use that time to copy the notes that my friend takes from the teacher.

Friday is interesting because we got Biology lab session which was fun at that time. Saturday, my classmate who went to OSN at Manado came back. My school got 2 gold medal (1 from Physics (by A.N.U.); 1 from Astronomy (by Leonard); both are from XII IA-01); and 2 bronze medal (1 from Computer (by Peter); 1 from Chemistry (by Hartono Wijaya); both are from XI IA-03). The others didn’t get any medal including Willy who competes at Computer; the other Willy who competes at Biology; Juliana who competes at Geoscience; Fannie who competes at Chemistry.

At least, this week I have semi-solved “Shuffle”, a problem from OSN 2010. :P

Following are my results from Open OSN:

  • 12 September: Open OSN 0 Session: 13:00-15:00
    Result: not bad because this is the practice session
  • 13 September: Open OSN 1st Session: 09:00-12:00
    Result: 170 from 360 (about 47.22%)
  • 13 September: Open OSN 2nd Session: 12:00-14:00
    Result: 290 from 600 (about 48.33%)
  • 14 September: Open OSN 3rd Session: 09:00-14:00
    Result: 180 from 400 (about 45%)


The official score is published and my results are:

  • 1st Session: 1900
  • 2nd session: 1160
  • 3rd session: 1800
  • TOTAL:  4860; which I get 8th rank from all contestant who follow OpenOSN. :)

Lights will guide you home
And ignite your bones
And I will try to fix you

VLV and Parachutes

29 August-4 September: Viva la Vida Week

On holidays, I work out my homework and then play computer games, work on school project about Photoshop, work on my website (which was still in development). I think this week is the week which I am very relax. No pressure. No conflict. Seems like “Coldplay – Stawberry Swing”:

People moving all the time
Inside a perfectly straight line
Don’t you wanna just curve away?
When it’s such, it’s such a perfect day
It’s such a perfect day

5-11 September: Parachutes Week

After the holidays are over, I encounter a tiring week. Each day I got an internal conflict with myself about joining OpenOSN or not. Each day I laugh and sigh. Each day I’m confused. My friends who joins OSN ask me to join OpenOSN, but the problem is how to get permission from the principal. Tomorrow, I will try to get it. But I’m not sure  I can get it, and that is the thing that make me confused.

This Sunday I must attend a seminar about NTU. On 12 September is the first day of OSN and OpenOSN, this day they want us to test their judging system for the next 2 days. On this day too Coldplay will release their second single titled “Paradise”. And 42 days after that on October 24, they will release their fifth studio album titled “Mylo Xyloto”. 13 September is the second day of OSN and OpenOSN which test us our logic, mathematics, and some programming skill. The last day of OSN and OpenOSN will test us deeply our programming skill (5 question- duration: 5 hours). Wish me luck for getting the permission and for OpenOSN. Thank you and “Coldplay – Don’t Panic”:

Oh, all that I know
There’s nothing here to run from
‘Cause yeah everybody here’s got somebody to lean on