Exam Week (1)
1 December 2013
After the start of my first exam on 22 November 2013 on Discrete Mathematics, this week I got 2 examinations. One is on Introduction to Computational Thinking (a.k.a. Python course); and on Digital Logic. The Python course exam is on Tuesday while the Digital Logic course exam is on Wednesday. …
Revision week (and first examination)
24 November 2013
This week is called revision week: there were no more classes this week as we were supposed to revise and prepare for examinations which my first examination is on the Friday of that week. Overall, this week I spent it just for revision on anything (except Computing System, which came last in my exam schedule). …
17 November 2013
This week has been quite relaxing and has started to feel the intensity of examinations. …
10 November 2013
A relaxing week, in contrast with the previous weeks. The week is filled with lots of free time, but filled with studying. This week I got CZ1002 quiz too. On this week, I also ‘hosted’ my roommate’s birthday. Many lectures, tutorials, and labs had its last session this week. …
27 October 2013
Here comes week 10, the pre-climax of this semester, which was busy but not that stressful. …