8 October 2013
8 October 2013
This day is my 18th birthday but I got my birthday celebrated the day before at NTUBS-led birthday celebration for Xin Wen and Josephine. Their birthday was 6 and 9 October respectively. I went there to prepare the celebration, and then I got surprised that I was also celebrated. Before blowing the candle, we were told to make a wish. My wish is as simple as “May all the beings be happy”. What’s more simple and universal than that?
I got a lot of birthday greetings from my families and my friends from my university, my high school, those with same interest in competitive programming and Wikipedia. At 12am, Jefferson and Aldi, my neighbours, went to my room to greet me although I’ve gone to sleep. In the morning, many of my friends greeted me at my Facebook timeline, WhatsApp groups, and Twitter. When I attended the lectures, ate at canteen, and went to CEC AGM & Investiture, more and more friends greeted me. By the way, Computer Engineering Club (CEC) AGM & Investiture was boring. The main points in the event are: (1) the past committee gave speech, (2) free dinner, (3) the new president told the future planning. This year was the first time my birthday was not celebrated by my family and it’s fine, birthday was just like another day, except I was greeted by many peoples.
By being 18, I would like to continue updating this blog at least once a week. Besides that, I would like also to learn many skills like designing and managing stuffs. I would also wish that I would be more active in speaking, and not feeling shy to speak. Lastly, I would like to start building my personal website to make it as a central place for me to actively test and publicize my experiments. I hope that those plans be fully achieved by next birthday.
The Recess Week
6 October 2013
This week has been a very busy, stressful, and yet some days are very boring. This week, our group project on HW0110 Effective Communication finished up the essay. CZ1002 (Introduction to Computing System) group project has just restarted. CZ1004 (Great Ideas in Computing) group project was just adding content to the group wiki. …
29 September 2013
This week is the e-learning week for SCE (School of Computer Engineering) courses, which means a lot of rest times! Not that much, because our lab sessions are still there, and some of the courses have lectures and tutorials. …
22 September 2013
This week is the 6th academic week in NTU. Overall, this week was relaxing yet tiring.
On Monday, everything went like schedule except after the class we hung out for a while at LWN Library. The next evening, our school club had a subcommittee recruitment day. I applied for IT Officer (first choice) and Special Project Specialist (2nd choice). The interview session was short and straightforward, and that day seemed it was uncrowded.
On Wednesday, we got lab session for CZ1004 (Great Ideas in Computing) again, which was the last compulsory lab session for the course. When I worked part-time, it was very uncrowded as I can use the “free-time” to revise CZ1002 (Introduction to Computing System) course which will held a quiz the next day; but because I had badly very much “free-time”, I revised for HE9091 (Principle of Economics), which I was still confused if I had to make it S/U course or not. After work, I visited the library to return back the book about Human-Computer Interaction and then find a book about web design and checked out one book called “Designing Web Interfaces”. Hope I can read through all of it.
I’m quite busy on Thursday. After the morning lectures, I had a group meeting (and lunch) of the HW0110 (Effective Communication) course. We agreed hat we should meet again next Monday discussing the assignment with preparations such as the points we wanted to put in the report. After that, we got tutorial class, quiz, and lectures. The CZ1002 quiz consists of 2 MCQs, 2 T/F questions, and 4 short-answers. Overall, it was easy but I’m not too sure about the T/F questions.
Friday was fun and stressful. The lab session of CZ1005 (Digital logic) was fun, I’m excited about ‘programming’ the logic design from a computer software then run it at a board. After I had my lunch, I got a group meeting on CZ1004 course, this meeting was quite short but crucial as we come upon the problem that our topic is too vast, and after we ask for advice from our tutor, he also think so. Then we decided to pick one of the topic under Human-Computer Interaction and focus on it. We happened to ‘chop’ the tutorial room and use it for another hour just for finding the suitable topic. We then decided to think of it and suggest a topic to decide on next Monday. I was quite stressful about finding new idea. To relive it, I then ate Matcha McFlurry from McDonald’s, it was a nicely flavored green tea ice cream which I found too sweet to be green tea. At the evening, I got a Dhamma Class II held by NTUBS. The speaker talked about Buddhist practices and what was the steps to be a good Buddhist. After the event, the committee had a mooncake-eating event. Well, it was nice to eat mooncake under a full-moon.
On Saturday, my relatives visited me and after some time, they departed. I then did my part on HW0110, CZ1004, and then finished my CZ1003 (Introduction to Computational Thinking) assignment.
On Sunday, we went to Buddhist Fellowship (West Centrer). There Ven. Rathanasara gave a Dhamma Talk about how to dilute bad karma: by doing many good things, the past-bad actions may not be much affecting us in the future. After the lunch, I went to Fairprice at Jurong Point to buy some goods and then went to hair salon to have my hair cut at Hi Salon at Boon Lay MRT Station for just $3.9. This is the first time I had a hair cut outside Medan, to be exact, I had my hair cut almost all the time at the same barber shop in Medan. In the evening, we went swimming and had dinner at Canteen 1.
15 September 2013
The fifth week had been a tiring one. Almost everyday I went back to room at night. I tried to come back straight to my room as early as possible but for some reasons I can’t. …